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Position:Home>Philosophy> Two smoke a shadow, or not to walk in the the passing of yesterdays tomorrow?

Question:Shatter my mind lies reeling in my futile bliss I stand below a dirty sky lost again .

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Shatter my mind lies reeling in my futile bliss I stand below a dirty sky lost again .

what?,...have you been smoking pot again, you ol crackhead.

Is it too philosophical? or is it just me? :(

does this mean that if you smoke you are ending ur life and those around you , and you soon to wont be able to live today because of it? thats how i see it.

Poorly written sophistical manipulation. A misguided attempt to Sound profound, but instead you've achieved absurdity.

Time is of the essence, Time is now.

Should we discuss things that we regret, and speak of today as an event that took place yesterday and can't be fixed?

No. Today is not the shadow of yesterday's tomorrow. Today is the beginning of a bright tomorrow... today!