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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you think of this? and what do you think should be done?

Question:The Metta sutta, or Teaching on Loving Kindness is also a Meditative practice in Buddhism. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS? Here is a link of the chanting text in English, and a Audio Video is beneith it
This starts off with the lines "This is what should be done by one who is skilled in goodness, and who knows the path of peace" but WHAT ELSE DO YOU THINK SHOULD BE DONE?
I have used Caps becouse I posted this question in two different sections last time, and both were reported for not being a question. I am hoping this way the confussion is gone, although i have not changed the question's.
As always I ask this question With Metta

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The Metta sutta, or Teaching on Loving Kindness is also a Meditative practice in Buddhism. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS? Here is a link of the chanting text in English, and a Audio Video is beneith it
This starts off with the lines "This is what should be done by one who is skilled in goodness, and who knows the path of peace" but WHAT ELSE DO YOU THINK SHOULD BE DONE?
I have used Caps becouse I posted this question in two different sections last time, and both were reported for not being a question. I am hoping this way the confussion is gone, although i have not changed the question's.
As always I ask this question With Metta

I think another thought that I hear frequently is that a good man that does nothing is already evil... otherwise, I really liked the translation of what I read! Thank you for being a helper on my path!

This sutta sounds like an encapsulation of the practices of Bodhisattvas. I'm not sure what tou are looking for, but may I refer you to 'The 37 Practices Of Bodhisattvas' by Geshe Sonam Rinchen, translated by Ruth Sonam. This book has always been an inspiration to me along these lines.