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Position:Home>Philosophy> Info on the internet about the basics of philosophy?

Question:im in highschool and im totally uneducated about any of this. i want to know a little about philosophy (just beggener stuff, termenology, theories or whatever it is i should know with no prior knowledge). im interested in all of the main branches of philosophy that i know of which are ethics, logic, metaphysics, and epistemology. if there are any other important branches let me know plz. i want to find info about these on the internet or however i can. (books may be a possibility...). but like i said im just starting to learn this stuff. i dont know if there is a such thing as a 'beggener' in philosophical education but if thats what you call it thats what i am.

someone help me out plz.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im in highschool and im totally uneducated about any of this. i want to know a little about philosophy (just beggener stuff, termenology, theories or whatever it is i should know with no prior knowledge). im interested in all of the main branches of philosophy that i know of which are ethics, logic, metaphysics, and epistemology. if there are any other important branches let me know plz. i want to find info about these on the internet or however i can. (books may be a possibility...). but like i said im just starting to learn this stuff. i dont know if there is a such thing as a 'beggener' in philosophical education but if thats what you call it thats what i am.

someone help me out plz.

If you like to read books, the most respected anthology, in short chapters, with no editorializing, is
If you like to read and you do not read this one, you are missing the best.

Good luck, Have fun! Philosophy should be fun. If it's not fun don't do it.
that's the "internet encyclopedia of philosophy"
I sugest you start with materialism, or socrates, or descartes or something

or just look up philosophy in yahoo or google. also wikipedia has a few articles about it.

you're welcome by the way! =D

your question got me looking for some pages myself. here's something pretty interesting I found. I think you might like it.

to start, click on the "let me at him" link. it's In big letters in the center - lower part of the page

One great way to begin studying philosophy is through the media, films and popular books. I don't suggest this instead of the kind of stuff the others have mentioned, but in addition to it. It's a good way to begin to explore what you think while learning the best ideas of other people. Here's a brief list of films to check out. (Actually I need to run, so it'll be really brief. I'll try to finish it later)

American Beauty
American Psycho
American History X
OK, that's all the Americans, I'll do more later if I can.

Wikipedia isn’t bad either if you’re after the bare bones. Although the peer reviewed stuff will be better. If you’re willing to spend a little bit of money the ‘A Very Short Introduction’ series of books by OUP isn’t bad, they are a set of short and pithy essays.