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Question:what is the extra mile ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what is the extra mile ?

Love. The motive behind 'going that extra mile' has to be love. the idea behind the concept is that more is given from the heart then what was expected. Nowadays, the phrase 'going the extra mile' is use loosely. If 'going that extra mile' is anything but love, then it's just an illusion. A person can still go that extra mile, but if love is not the motive, is it really going beyond that extra mile? If I have lots of work, skip lunch, and stay beyond 6pm to finish my work, some might say I went the extra mile for my project. No, I didn't go the extra mile. I did what I had to do to finish it and not get fired.

After you are exhausted and have used up your energy, squeezing out the effort to keep going. Think of it as a runner's metaphor.

Go beyond what you are asked. Initiate being helpful. Look for ways to be of use to others. Choose to act rather than just react. Let helpfulness flow from you instead of having someone have to pull it out of you.

For those that run endurance races (for example, a marathon), the "extra mile" is done when practicing. Let's say you are going to run a 5 mile race. Do you practice by running 5 miles everytime? No, you attempt to run the "extra mile" (say 6 miles) so you body learn the endurance needed for 6 rather than 5. If this is done, then you should be able to run the 5 miles themselves faster (because you both will not be as tired due to being able to run 6). So, going the extra mile is use to go beyond what one is attempting in order to make one better at what one is attempting.

From this original use of the phrase, the phrase "going the extra mile" has noted someone going "above and beyond" what is expected--like the runner running an extra mile is going beyond the expected original distance he/she set for themselves.

Above what people usually would do in any given situation-to give more of yourself than you would normally give