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Position:Home>Philosophy> Don't cry over the spilled milk !?

Question:do you have a spilled milk..?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: do you have a spilled milk..?

What's the use of crying over spilled milk? all you have to do is clean it up, no two ways about it.

Yes! but I don't cry over it .

I only cry over spilled beer....SO sad............


I have spilled milk, but I've never cried over it.

yes, but I don't sweat the small stuff!


Yes! I think everybody does but most cry in secret but we all have some stupid mistake that we cry over in secret.

I don't cry over spilled milk because the glass is half full and not half empty.

Besides, I was rushing and haste made waste so it was my fault for trying to kill two birds with one stone. I guess I shouldn't put all my eggs in one basket while holding a glass of milk!

I agree with bdawg, except repleace beer with vodka or jager

I cried over spilled milk, that is my free ration for 2 weeks, you can't blame me that I don't want to buy the whole cow, when Mrs. Daisy will give a free milk ,when she is free and feels like it....

I have thoughts of crying over spilt milk which do cross on my awareness street from time to time, I see it and refocus my attention on to the next one that comes by. Like watching traffic, no sense in getting hung up on any one car, there are millions of others that are more interesting. Cheers!

~~ Why should I cry over spilt milk when there are plenty of cats hanging round my place when accidents like that occur. Heck, they hope I spill milk or drop hamburger meat on the floor. They're more than happy to help me clean up the mess.
I know what you're talking about though. My mom used to tell us not to cry over spilled milk all the time when my siblings & I were kids. She'd tell us "Accidents happen,it's not the end of the world." It made us feel better,and I in turn said the same thing to my own step-children. It puts a whole new perspective on things. Ya know, life goes on...and it's never too late for a positive change. That type of attitude helps reduce stress. And when you aren't worried about the little things,you have more time for the important things in life. Like making sure those cats are happy,weather you're spilling milk or not. ~~