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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can you prove to me that you exist?

Question:Assuming for the moment that you are capable of perceiving me, at least to the extent of my responses as well as all the other sensory means you have of detecting other people, that leaves only the question of whether any particular apparent manifestation of reality is really there. So let's take this from the top.

There is an objective agreement about my existance. I can be attributed certain qualities. One of the most important among these is that I seem to be completely independant of you. You can personally experience those apparent qualities. That really leaves only two options:

1) Your experiences and those of others are real.
2) Your experiences are false and are somehow being manipulated or induced by some outside agency.

Given that we have no substantial evidence of some external conspiracy to fake my existance, and that a conspiratorial model is more complex that a non-conspiratorial one (the conspiracy requires not only all the complexities of our experiential world but also an extra, unperceived world too), then Occam's razor would suggest that the simple model is true.

Thus I exist because it requires a lot less explanation that it does if I DON'T exist. Not dead-bang proof. But good enough for most people.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Assuming for the moment that you are capable of perceiving me, at least to the extent of my responses as well as all the other sensory means you have of detecting other people, that leaves only the question of whether any particular apparent manifestation of reality is really there. So let's take this from the top.

There is an objective agreement about my existance. I can be attributed certain qualities. One of the most important among these is that I seem to be completely independant of you. You can personally experience those apparent qualities. That really leaves only two options:

1) Your experiences and those of others are real.
2) Your experiences are false and are somehow being manipulated or induced by some outside agency.

Given that we have no substantial evidence of some external conspiracy to fake my existance, and that a conspiratorial model is more complex that a non-conspiratorial one (the conspiracy requires not only all the complexities of our experiential world but also an extra, unperceived world too), then Occam's razor would suggest that the simple model is true.

Thus I exist because it requires a lot less explanation that it does if I DON'T exist. Not dead-bang proof. But good enough for most people.

good question!!!

nah not really, except i think i do, its all illusion, in the mind,, working us up, making us think we xist, no-one really knows though...

Yes I can...I "IM", therefore, I am.

I'm not so sure about you though.

If I didn't exist how could I write to you? Even if I claim to be someone else, I still exist. Even if I claim to be a dead person, a real person is making a false claim.
Proving my identity is a different story. Sure, it can be proven to the satisfaction of the law, but not to a paranoid person.

I think, therefore I am.

yes! let's have a date! And I'll prove it to you!

If God, or the Divine Will, can't (or won't) prove its own existence, how could I ever hope to? Nope, you'll have to accept my existence on pure faith.

No, because you can't prove that you exist!


In the end you can never be sure if I am real or if I am simply part of you who appears to be saying things, but you in fact are making me say them.

By sure I mean 100% without a doubt sure. Other than that, yeah I would hope that you accept that other people are real...otherwise that would lead to a very interesting life.

I hope this helps

Rev Phil

What "IS" is what "I" is.........


This would difficult to prove in an airtight defense in the same manner that it would be difficult for you to prove that I don't exist!

Yeah. As you read this, you will feel me...


how can u say u exist .. u say u can think intract and communicate..
computers can also interact and communicate these day..
as far as thinkin goes.. how can u say that wat u think are your ideas and not the ideas influenced by ur surrounding and people around u.. explain that plz...

if I feel something then I exist! My feelings making me feel alive!

If you are out to dinner and I pull up a chair and start eating off of your plate you will be very sure that I exist.
If you come home and I am rifling through your closet because I'm bored of my clothes you will know I exist.
If you are trying to watch T.V. and I have the remote and insist on watching old British mystery movies instead of the finale to the reality series you became hooked on, you will know I exist. ;)

It depends on how you define the terms "prove" and "exist".

I think I can with a question. Are you subject to hallucinations? If not, I exist.