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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can you believe rthat we are already in April? It seems like yesterday we where

Question:Unreal how time has flown.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Unreal how time has flown.

Seems like yesterday I was celebrating my 31st birthday! 10 more days, and I'm SOOOOO looking for it! 32 will be my best year so far because though I wish some things in my life were different, I feel better than EVER! And this is JUST the beginning....

I have to admit I got MUCH help from God and a few special friends on here....

I agree, the older you get the faster it goes...heck, before you know it WE'LL ALL BE DEAD !!

Time flies by so quicky... we're already 3/4ths through the year... better start saving up for Christmas LOL!

They say time flies when your having fun, but I've worked my butt off. No fun at all, it still flew by. I think its because this is a busy world we live in. Time goes slow when you watch the clock, who's got time for that. LOL

Very unreal.

I agree!

Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin.....into the Future.....

It is crazy....but I am having a Great Time.....hope you are too.......

Yup, in 20 days or so we can expect 100+ temperature from now until November. Good ole summer.

I know I can't believe it either!!! I have to say I can't believe how much can happen in 4 months!