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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you were to take over a country, what would you do to accomplish this?

Question:It depends on the country, but it boils down to controlling resources and information, if you can exercise supreme influence over these two things then you could rule the world.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It depends on the country, but it boils down to controlling resources and information, if you can exercise supreme influence over these two things then you could rule the world.

accomplish what? taking over the country? who would want that job? the american people have some pretty high expectations for their leaders...

if I'll decide to do it, then - notting! I'll just take the bag couple of bucks and need full things! And just - go!

well, first you would want to pick a country that is easy to take over. I'd probably go for Fiji or somewhere like that, they are always having Coups.
Then get a bunch of your mates with guns, and go and kidnap the current leaders. You would have to do research so you knew who they were so you got the right ones. Then you just announce on the radio that you are the new leader.
Thats how its normally done in Coups right?
Otherwise you could do it the American way, be a complete idiot, go round kissing babies, tell a few lies, spin a few yarns, say stuff that doesn't make sense, promise stuff you can't deliver and then the public vote you in. Spend the rest of the time on the world stage, whilst the world laugh at you behind your back.
Geez, the coup method is sounding better every minute....

If i were to take over a country, I would make it as monarchy where I will be queen and that everyone has to follow what I say or else.."Take his head off!!" LOL. I personally think that a country with a dictator who knows what he's doing will be a progressive country as long as he is not corrupt, selfish, and idiotic. If i were to accomplish something, it would be to build a better nation, a better world, for a better future.. (applause)

On the contrary, what do I have to accomplish anyway?

Ask permission to give their chosen leaders advice You never just take over a country.

Do like certain other ethnic groups (who are coming here illegally) are doing...and breed compulsively.

Start a religion. - It's the classic path.
Careful though, it can get messy if you fail.

I would be like Germany on the U.S. first I would talk to groups who oppose the U.S. like Korea. Then Convince them that America is a threat that can not be ignored(completely the opposite) and that they should join with me to take it over and I would split the country 50-50. Once joined I would go to a country with a large amount of people like lets say.... Mexico and tell them to back door America by having the illegals carry weponry into there and then attack and raid California. That would be the best Idea to send them into panic with Mexico and while that happens I would have Korea nuke the White House, Pentagon, & Texas.

I also would have to promise mexico with something so I would say they would be allowed in California. Easy isn't it? And because of us helping Iraq with all of our soldiers we would be weak and easy to take over. once done I would go and tell the whole world that I will use dictatorship on the northern half of the U.S. and Korea gets the south And Our location point would be in Jackson, MS. To Get Gangs Under Control I will get some Russians & Itallians to start a Co Mafia with them I know they're loyal to me so they would be sort of like stormtroopers in WW2.

With them I will first Exterminate the gangs my new Country, then I will kill the leaders of companies and take control of every single one of the north. This will ensure income to my country. Have a trade with ONLY Korea,the 2 countries, Russia, And Italy.
Since Mexico is no use to me I'll get my Stormtroopers to take them down with advance weponry that they don't have, and give korea 30,000 sq miles of it to keep the peace between us. lastly the last country to be taken over is Iraq&Iran To Ensure Oil In My new Country and Korea's I will give them 50-50.