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Question:in my life right now..where i need answers but the only one who can answer them is's almost like i can't hear i am confused as can be right now..i dunno what to do..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: in my life right now..where i need answers but the only one who can answer them is's almost like i can't hear i am confused as can be right now..i dunno what to do..

you dont need to reach out ... you need to reach within ! only you can find where your spirit lyes right now pick yourself up tell yourself all things exist to be questioned at one time or another and know your lord hears you thats why when you walk and see just one set of footprints in the sand it is god whom has carried you in your time of need...feelings of being lost and what not we experience all our lives the what ifs the whom is all things spiritual ...only because you are just that spiritual god works in small ways when you least expect it so dont give up today or tomorrow go the distance and you will see ......................Angels abound


theres alot you can do...
Life is tottal and complete "relationship" relate to you would like to be related to!!

maybe if you wrote His name whit big letter:God ,you would not be confused:)

I know what you mean. When I was younger I felt like that sometimes also. I found that articulating my thoughts more helped alot. Try to put words to what it is EXACTLY you are feeling, and see if that doesn't guide you into a direction. Keep Writing!!!

Ah. I can breath a sigh of relief, because I was in your shoes a month ago and I have found the answers I needed. They say God works in mysterious ways. Reach out to someone. I did. I reached out to someone I never knew before in my life, and what a difference. He (in a mentor like relationship) was just what I needed. :)

Go to the source of information of God.
The Judaic/Christian Bible. The answers we need are in there, the answers we don't need are a waste of time right now. Perhaps in the after life if we still need certain answers they will be there.