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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do trees become us?

Question:After all, from dust we came and to dust we shall return and during the process we shed skin that becomes dust. It's all over the house.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: After all, from dust we came and to dust we shall return and during the process we shed skin that becomes dust. It's all over the house.

I believe a tree's soul is gathering impressions of us, such as our emotions that they can feel, the carbon dioxide that we breathe out that has a particular imprint of our lungs on it, the occasional times when we touch them with our bodies or hands. These impressions form the mind and memory of the tree. When the soul leaves the tree and transmigrates to a higher form, it's doing so in order to try to express the impressions it got from us, but because it can't make the huge jump from being a tree to being a human, it goes to the next higher form to the last tree form it had that can handle the level of consciousness development it's at, and that form will be a higher complexity of a tree form. The soul will keep doing this and keep evolving until it has the all the impressions to create a human form. So it's not that "trees" become us, it's the consciousness and the mind of the soul that evolves and becomes capable of creating a human form.

I dont know. I dont know anything.

leave me alone. i just don't know.

Good point!! I think your on to something there. It makes me so sad when I see a poster made from trees that the trees.

Both.... what we eat becomes part of our body and after our soul leaves our body to stand before God, the body becomes fertilizer again.


well If I ever was a tree Im must be a apple tree very temty lol...I don't really think we became trees acctually onse we die we would go to heaven or to the other side you know,but that is all.

Your correct... The biggest percentage of dust in our house is from our skin! But as for the other stuff I wouldnt have a clue...... But you just made me laugh again, about the dust being all over the house...... Just what I was needing Thanks!!!!