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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you wish would happen tomorrow? What would make you incredibly happy?

Question:Besides winning a million dollors, lets be serious, what do you really want in your life?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Besides winning a million dollors, lets be serious, what do you really want in your life?

I would wish that as dawn lightened the sky in each country, peace would decend and all that hatred would be refocused into creative energy and caring for others and our planet.

To see my family happy.

my place of work would blow up

that would long as the people were ok....well most of them

World Peace

The Million dollars would seriously cover it...

to find the guy i'm supposed to be with forever. that's the only thing i want besides becoming friends again with my closest friends that i have lost in the past.

For all of the drama to go away!

To find a cure to my disease that has torn my family and self esteem apart and to have my mom to stop worrying about me.

To one day find out that I'm not going to die young.

No just the million. Everything else is great

Happiness and peace and less confusion......... that would be a perfect world to live in.

I want to lose 30 pounds, but that is not realistic in a days worth of time. Ideally, I'd like to move out of my apartment tomorrow but I have to wait another 30 days. Oh well.

i wanna wake up and finally say "yes! Im doin exactly what I want."
having tha rite job, rite girl, rite amount of money,
Just feeling a sense of Satisfaction and Relaxation.

for all the good people in the world to be happy....and for me to get really good grades in school!...........PLEASE PLEASE help me with my question!!!!!:;...

Not tomorrow but today. My greatest desire to investigate my own life problem ended and with that I guess, I am bored. Nothing would ever interest me ever any more. So I guess I am waiting for my roll call to be read out and I am done.
No regrets only accomplishment.

return of someone I really miss.

Tomorrow, as in just tomorrow?
Well, I would get on an early flight to Venice and spend a few months backpacking in Italy and Europe.

But seriously, I would love to have a day to myself without all the frivilous tasks and errands I have to do and go hike, ride my bike or read a book. Also talk to my best friend, find a soul mate . . . lol :D

I'd like to be healthy.

If I had that, I could do anything.