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Position:Home>Philosophy> What would a world without hope and fears be like?

Question:how would it be different from this world?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: how would it be different from this world?

it would be the same. people would still be just as stupid. you don't have to be scared to be insane. what i mean is, people like Hitler were insane geniuses, he wasn't scared of anything until the very end. truly, i envy him, he did exactly what he said he would do, something our presidential candidates should consider (not necessarily as evil as Hitler).
i think that there would be no thrill in life, but there would be other thrills that we don't consider thrills, because we have become desensitized to them.

Hope horrible. Fears great. Except no more scary movies..=[

It would be lame.

pretty bland

Unlikely. Certainty may mean no options: you would soon rebel.
Change is the only constant: we thrive on novelty (OK, for the most part). Thought: Hope is the flip side of fear: we assign time for each as we see fit (?)

A world without hope and fear is like a world without a right or wrong. Hope is what gives us faith. Without that hope our conscience would have a less of a role. Conscience tells us our good from bad, right from wrong, and our hope from our fears. Our conscience helps create our doubts. Doubt creates fear. Fear is whatever the conscience does not know.

A world without fear would be great! Without hope...hopeless!

Hope allows us to have faith in the future. We all need something to look forward to, either real or abstract.

To live our days knowing that today is the best it will ever be, never hoping for a better tomorrow, or, next year. We would certainly give up. Without hope, what are we working towards, why are we planning, why are we trying?

What would be on your horizon for the future?


everyone would kill themselves or another some how.
"oh crap! a house.....lets jump off it guys"
"oh **** a knife....stab stab stab
" oh ****
tha "world" would not exist
fears create knowledge
hope creates faith
without those two....CHOAS