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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does if bother you to think about space?

Question:Whenever I think about things without limits it freaks me out. Like how far space goes or before people were created. Does it bother you too?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Whenever I think about things without limits it freaks me out. Like how far space goes or before people were created. Does it bother you too?

The concept of space is overwhelming. So is the idea that life is so short, but history seems so vast.

It's a little frightening to know that there are things out there that are completely out of our control. The idea of some object coming out of nowhere and pummeling earth freaks me out the most.

I'm not sure how I'd react if I actual got to see earth from an astronaut's perspective.

Yes - this is a neurotic symptom which I used to have too! Hadn't thought about it in years. It's totally freaky - but for me that sense of freaky is gone. I always thought that this fear rested on feelings of abandonment - which gives rise to agoraphobia. And nothing says agoraphobia like limitless space!!!

Well... have fun with it - it will probably go away one day.

if you travel waaay out to the outer limits of space and time and took a look around, you would find yourself there. transforming.

It doesn't bother me at all. The thought that it is endless is pretty mind boggling, but it doesn't freak me out.

I enjoy thinking about it of an evening.

Outward space or Inward space??? Both can go infinetly outward or inward ... and if we start by looking inward ... well, wouldn't it be weird to find out that we could possibly host black holes, galaxies, solar systems, or life ... providing that we go inward far enough ... it's possible ...

Or the opposite ... if we were able to look at the universe from a bigger perspecitve ... what if we're just a cell in someone's body???

Or ... what if we host millions/billions of life (in miniture solar systems withing us) AND are part of millions/billions of life forms that make up a being greater than we???

It freaks me out not knowing what is really out there, no I am not an alien believer but doesn't the possibility scare you just a little? it does me, anything is possible.

something without limits......SOUNDS FUN!