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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you think of the hopless romantics?

Question:Well, the expression hopeless romantics was coined for a reason. Hopless romantics CAN be pretty hopeless and will likely get their heart broken countless of times - yet if they finally meet the one (the tragedy being that some never do) their life is likely to be as good as gold.

All in all, I think they're endearing to be around.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, the expression hopeless romantics was coined for a reason. Hopless romantics CAN be pretty hopeless and will likely get their heart broken countless of times - yet if they finally meet the one (the tragedy being that some never do) their life is likely to be as good as gold.

All in all, I think they're endearing to be around.

Well, they would be hop-less if they got pinned down with someone they fell in love with I suppose...LOL

Studies have shown that brain scans of those infatuated by love display a resemblance to those with a mental illness. Love creates activity in the same area of the brain that hunger, thirst, and drug cravings create activity in. New love, therefore, could possibly be more physical than emotional. Over time, this reaction to love mellows, and different areas of the brain are activated, primarily ones involving long-term commitments. Dr. Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist, suggests that this reaction to love is so similar to that of drugs because without love, humanity would die out.
But I'm still an hopeless romantic