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Position:Home>Philosophy> Survey: Without drawing on anything you've ever read or been taught by peopl

Question:..."Sum Up" from your own "inner personal experience" what you consider to be the "answer" to the philosophical question...

..."What the Hell is going on here?"

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ..."Sum Up" from your own "inner personal experience" what you consider to be the "answer" to the philosophical question...

..."What the Hell is going on here?"

Oh yes I can. There are certain states of mind, where you are totally connected with everything that is happening, and when your mind quiets, there is a hush all over the world. A state of mind that only comes for a few minutes in a lifetime, with the help of some powerful metabolic, not to mention names. And that is a treasure a Satrap would sacrifice a Sultanate for, and slit a few throats in the process. The Tao of living. And what is going on here is that you realize you actually are an integral part of this great big huge vat of existence. Until existence has no more use for you. That happens too.

No, unless what is going on "there" has nothing to do with people, otherwise, you'd be surprised at the amount of things we wouldn't have any idea about if it were not for the teachings of others and our observations of others.

Just trying to find a purpose...even if we have to make one up.

I'm drawing a blank. I'm not sure if that means I'm smart or I'm stupid...or maybe I'm just unable to be defined.


Nothing is going on here. It is that simple. There is no Matrix, there is no meaning to life, there is nothing. There is only existence. We all hope there are mysteries, Aliens, ESP, ghost and other such nonsense, etc., etc. Think about it, that mystery thinking started from our ancestors many, many years ago, when they knew no better and some of it still bleeds over till this day. That is why it is so important that we make the best of our lives that we can. It is up to us. We can either win or lose, it is our choice.

For the first part nope, because everything that I have experienced has been formed by my surroundings, including books, people and everything else.

Second part, I believe that "what's going on here" are constant lessons. Everything that I have experienced sums up to constantly learning. I don't know why I have to constantly learn and if there is some huge thing that I am preparing for, but I constantly deal with a new lesson everyday and other people seem to experience this as well.

yes, drawing is easy specially if you don't have to draw something specific.

and to answer:
What the Hell is going on here?
... Conga baby.

*scratches butt*


For some of us it is a process of remembering who we are. For others it's simply a matter a stumbling around in the dark.

Seriously this is my theory, one I've never shared with keep it on the DL.

I'm sure you've seen video of baby bird that are raised by humans, but in order not to domesticate them, the humans use puppets.....
I believe that everything and everyone around me is an elaborate facade, and if I'm not aware of their physical being, they are like lifeless costumes hanging on a wall somewhere, they don't really exist.
I am the subject of a lifelong study of just how much crap a person can take with out loosing it completely.

Karaoke night. Duh!

I disagree. All things are going on. We cannot begin to fathom what is going on.

it all depends on where here is,and what you mean by is

Existence of the species.


We are all energetic beings connected to each other in this crazy space we call home... until we're not anymore.