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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do You ever feel like You are missing something in Your LIFE?

Question:...sometimes days and nights can be so boring:(

thank you for sharing...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ...sometimes days and nights can be so boring:(

thank you for sharing...

yes, and they go by so fast, sometimes seemingly wasted. i dont know, im just hoping im fullfilling my purpose.
thanks for asking.

I did until I met the man of my dreams. *sighs happily*

i used to...i was always so bored... but then I gave mylife to Jesus...and wow... you have to experience it. Hope you seek him my friend. He's what you are missing.

uhm nope, lol

i have in the past, but right now things are going really good. i'm closing on a house at he end of the month and i'm getting married in August. I have a lot to prepare for both these things but i'm not MISSING anything.

Yes sometimes. Life can and does bore me sometimes, however as long as I catch more memories and love I don't think I am missing all that much.

Honestly saying : I feel that !!!
But know not why .................

I miss life.
