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Position:Home>Philosophy> What makes you feel calm? Or even happier.?

Question:What makes YOU feel good?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What makes YOU feel good?

I absolutely love it when I go camping with my horses and my dogs. There is nothing more calming and stress relieving than to lay out in the grassy fields with the sunshine beating down on your face, the horses grazing beside you and the dogs running around playing with each other. I do not camp in make shift camp grounds. I pack into the wilderness on horseback and make up camp where I see fit. Its rugged, its secluded and its absolutely heaven. One of the best parts is leaving camp to ride up to a near by lake and fish.
This is what makes me happiest and calm.

when my boyfriend wraps his arms around me and just holds me

a sunset over lake okeechobee...

Happier? Sex while it lasts.

Calm? Sex when it's over.

Having peace in your soul.

A big fatty