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Position:Home>Philosophy> The circle of life ands sooner then you think.Would it be wise to accept the pai

Question:The circle of life ends sooner then you think.That's a fact.But, if it ends too soon would it be wise to mourn over a lost one?Or would it be right to accept the pain , knowing that you may or may not ever see them again?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The circle of life ends sooner then you think.That's a fact.But, if it ends too soon would it be wise to mourn over a lost one?Or would it be right to accept the pain , knowing that you may or may not ever see them again?

just look around; everything changes, and loss, especially of loved ones, is easier to bear if you can accept that. my babies (now grown up) have their own babies and i feel a certain sadness at the passing of time. the trick is not to let that love become clinging or grasping. think of blossom in spring; you enjoy its colour and fragrance for a while, but it passes and you accept that.

Of course yes it is, since the lost friend was part of your daily life. That will affect you for sometimes, due to memories of the good and the bad days together, but as time goes by it will slowy fade.

reminds me of,, like 2 ships that pass in the night, we smile & know its alright;;, like the connection ya feel when another cruise boat is passing yours & a bunch wave & shout out;, ya hoo''', then each go in differant directions;;, & on ya go**