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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it true that UFO's are really........?

Question:humans from the future and YOU AND ME could possibly be in one looking back at ourselves like 4,000 years ago...which could be right now we are in the past 4,000 years..but we dont know it because WE are looking at ourseleves seeing what we were doing in the moment 4,000 years ago.

is that possible or true?

did i smoke too much weed?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: humans from the future and YOU AND ME could possibly be in one looking back at ourselves like 4,000 years ago...which could be right now we are in the past 4,000 years..but we dont know it because WE are looking at ourseleves seeing what we were doing in the moment 4,000 years ago.

is that possible or true?

did i smoke too much weed?

Lately science with their quantum physics seems to think so, however, they are speculating into another dimension that I don't think people on our plane can enter. I think we are in one of millions of universes that all are contained in another sphere, or what quantum physics call a "string," where UFOs from other universe uses portals that they've discovered to go from one universe, using the outward sphere, into another. But some believe it will be possible to travel in time, but their belief is based on light, which is just another physical particle, and while everything that has happened and will happen is happening right now, the possibility of traveling to a different time is only, I think, in another dimension that we can't enter with physical bodies and/or physical consciousness. Hope this doesn't confuse you.

ummm... yeah, you smoke too much weed.

interesting idea but i think future scientists wouldn't allow people to be seen because it could "change history" and that kind of stuff lol

Haha no, if you were the future alien looking back at us(humans in the year 2008) it would be more like watching a movie, not playing a reality game.

And there is no such thing as too much weed

Quantum mechanics says that theoretically we should be able to see the future. I am still waiting.

And yes, you are smoking too much weed

What? That is so ridiculous. What possible evidence do they have that would lead them to that theory? I could say UFO's are piloted by goats and be just as credible.

You know what, it depends how open minded you are. because its a myth/theory, not solved, but you never know because we can relate to hwo it was form even flying up to space. Man thought it was nonsense and craziness to go up to space before it was discovered, and you never know what the days will bring

Well I'll admit it certainly feels like I'm living 4,000 years in the past of when I should be living, but that's another story.

Unfortunately, there is still not a single credible piece of evidence that alien UFO's are real. Pretty much everything to date can be explained as natural causes, something manmade (weather balloons, flares, etc.), or as hoaxes.

As for time travel, we can't rule it out 100%, but physics tells us the odds aren't good. From what I've read on the matter, it's not possible at all to go any arbitrary distance into the past. It appears you can go no further back than to the time the time machine was built. Most credible time-travel possibilities either use wormholes or superstrings. Wormholes are a whole mess in themselves, and it's still not clear whether it's possible to actually build one large enough to send matter through. (And again, even if you could, you could travel back no further than to when the wormhole was built.) Superstrings are also only a theoretical possibility, and there's no building those, we'd have to find one already existing somewhere in the cosmos. If they do exist, a very big if, there might not be one for millions or billions of light-years from us.

So, what you write almost certainly isn't true and probably isn't even possible. Oh, and I wouldn't trust any idea you come up with while doing weed. It doesn't make you come up with any bright ideas, it just makes ideas _seem_ bright. If you want some real mental enhancement, try nootropics. :-)