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Position:Home>Philosophy> Who can build a nation full of happiness?

Question:i think its me!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i think its me!!!

Willy Wonka.

We can.

only God and God alone can...

No one. It is impossible to please everyone.

Jehovah wittiness, the lion will lie down with the lamb in paradise, there will be no fighting, and they all live happy ever after
Yea Right!!!

pass that pipe, lol.****************

Don't you just wish...... wouldn't it be wonderful

Nobody could ever do it!

God did but we ruined it by sin.We can build it up again if we stop pelooting and being nasty to each other.If you just give a smile to everyone you it would help.

Maybe someone similar to Rigoberta Menchù.

Happiness is a highly valued matter. Most people agree that it is better to enjoy life than to suffer, and endorse public policies that aim at creating greater happiness for a greater number of people. Though not everybody accepts the utilitarian axiom that happiness is ultimately the only value, the desirability of happiness as such is almost undisputed. This appears in high ranks for happiness in survey studies about value priorities.
The aim of creating greater happiness for a greater number requires understanding of happiness. First of all it demands that we can grasp the main determinants of happiness; not only what makes people happy, but also the reason why. Secondly, we also must have a view on consequences of happiness, in order to detect possible self-destructive effects and to appraise synergy with other values.
Efforts to understand human happiness have absorbed a lot of thought. Happiness was a major issue in early Greek philosophy and several later philosophical schools. Currently the subject gains attention in the social sciences, in particular in Social Indicators Research. Papers on happiness fill many bookshelves.
The Satisfaction with Life Index is an attempt to show the average self-reported happiness (subjective life satisfaction) in different nations. This is an example of recent trend to use direct measures of happiness, such as surveys asking people how happy they are, as an alternative to traditional measures of policy success to GDP or GNP. There are also several other examples of measures that includes self-reported happiness as one variable. Happy Life Years, a concept brought by Dutch sociologist Veenhoven, combines self-reported happiness with life expectancy. The Happy Planet Index combines it with life expectancy and ecological footprint. Gross national happiness is a concept introduced by the King of Bhutan as an alternative to GDP but there is as yet no exact definition.

Iceland did a very good job. They have the highest Human Development Index in the world - high life expectancy, very low emissions, high income per person, low crime etc.

no one even if we try, take war for example the only thing that i can think of that might stop the human race fighting itself is if we were united against a common enemy (aliens?) but war would not end there would still bee fighting it is only able to get more extreem and will never end and therefore someone won't be happy.

it can only be done by the people becoming happy themselves; it can't be done from outside. try reading "island" by Aldous Huxley. it's a novel, very readable, and gives many answers to your question

Everyone by starting from yourself when everyone's happy so they've built the nation full of happiness.

Bhutan - Gross National Happiness instead of GNP