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Position:Home>Philosophy> What should I tip my pizza delivery person?

Question:Be kind to your mother is the best tip :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Be kind to your mother is the best tip :)

At least $2.50.

2 or 3 bucks

a beer :p


At least $3.00

At least $2 if they actually come on time, if not, forget it.

Your pizza delivery person takes as much trouble to bring you your food as a waiter in a restaurant. Why not tip this person as you would a waiter?

0% for lousy service
10% for so-so service
15% for competent service
20% for very good service


0% for lousy service
10% for so-so service
15% for competent service
20% for very good service

it's not always their fault if the pizza is late, it could have not been put in on time and wasn't ready when they should be leaving the store with it.

Also please relize that they use their own car for it, they use their tips for the gas and upkeep on the car, tips is basicly where they make their money.

and sometimes, they can't find a house if it isn't marked clearly. Thats why we always appreciate it if you turn a porch light on or something.

ive just left mine a 54 cent tip. the flyer said like $12 and it came to $19.46 after tax and delivery charge so i just gave him a $20. Im from England and im fed up with americans and the stupid tax that goes onto everything. nothing is priced as it says.

20% of your bill unless the pizza place charges for delivery.

2-3 dollars , unless you are ordering lots, then 15 percent of what your bill is.that would be 15 dollars per 100dollars spent.

Depends on how much the pizza place charges for delivering the pizza. Sometimes the difference between pick up and delivery is ridiculous. Always ask what it would cost for pick up. Compare the difference, ask how much the driver gets and then decide what's reasonable. Ya its nice to help your local delivery folks if you don't feel like your getting ripped off yourself. We all work hard for a living. Lets all pull out the tip jar for a job well done. Bravo everyone bravo.

Pizza delivery people are in the service industry. They serve you usually from their own vehicle (at great risk to their car, private insurance does not cover business accidents and they don't get paid enough for business insurance, and pizza places would go broke trying to pay it.) constant city driving is extra wear and tear on the car. If it weren't for tips, the position would be hard to fill. But it is still a service industry, reward them for good service. Fast cheerful courteous service should be rewarded. Keep in mind, speed is relative, how busy were they, what is the weather they came through, What was traffic like. Give them the benefit of the doubt on that one. It may not have been their fault. If they dropped your pizza, or are rude. Count out the pennies, make em wait till you dig the rest out of the couch cushions.

with free sex !

2-5 bucks depending on how well the pizza place in question takes care of you, is this your usual?, if the pizza is at all good[ sorry dominoes, pizza rut] and of course if the driver is on time and smiling......I haven't had pizza in forever, too broke lately and man am I jealous......I am gonna pretend you have had a Margherita delivered straight form the wood fire oven.....hear my tummy rumblin? mmmmmmm

dang ! I was thinking like a dollar 5 bucks!?

I think we should get rid of tipping as an automatic thing
then I could feel not like such an asshole when I contemplate not leaving extra money

i always give them an extra bit. usually just keep the change so a few dollars.