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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are you dying to live or are you living to die?

Question:I dig this question....!!! :) In fact I was just discussing this with my hubby the other day. It's an interesting thought, because in some cases it's not so much about perspective on life itself or death itself, it has more to do with how one does live.

Let me share an example....

If you were to ask this same question of a child who has been in and out of hospitals most of his/her life because they have cancer ... you would find this answer to be a mixed bag of answers.

The kids who have their imaginations developed, who are inspired by something new they experience are just dying to live.... for they have barely begun to live.

The emotionally developed kids who have had a really rough go of it... chemo, painful treatments and literally are exhausted of the medications and seeing the same four walls and have fully accepted their condition have a different answer. They want to release their families so they can live and are completely accepting of their fate... and they are living to die.

Ask these same questions of an elderly person who is no longer mobile but has their mind. Ask this same question of a person with Alzheimer's who has lost their mind but has full use of their body... you will find yet, another set of answers.

Ask the same question of an inmate on death row....or a homeless person trying to stay warm in the Winter.... yet another set of answers.

Living to die or dying to live....isn't solely about attitude, optimism or pessimism... sometimes it's about circumstance and how that circumstance shapes the choice and that answer....

For me, the answer changes depending on my mood...and how deeply I am thinking. If you look at life from a surface perspective, and have goals and dreams you haven't done yet but still want to, you are dying to live. If you look at the world as a whole.... at war, sad economy, people in our own country and around the world who go hungry and live in poverty and there is global warming..... we are all living to die.

Love the question! Thank you for posting it!! :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I dig this question....!!! :) In fact I was just discussing this with my hubby the other day. It's an interesting thought, because in some cases it's not so much about perspective on life itself or death itself, it has more to do with how one does live.

Let me share an example....

If you were to ask this same question of a child who has been in and out of hospitals most of his/her life because they have cancer ... you would find this answer to be a mixed bag of answers.

The kids who have their imaginations developed, who are inspired by something new they experience are just dying to live.... for they have barely begun to live.

The emotionally developed kids who have had a really rough go of it... chemo, painful treatments and literally are exhausted of the medications and seeing the same four walls and have fully accepted their condition have a different answer. They want to release their families so they can live and are completely accepting of their fate... and they are living to die.

Ask these same questions of an elderly person who is no longer mobile but has their mind. Ask this same question of a person with Alzheimer's who has lost their mind but has full use of their body... you will find yet, another set of answers.

Ask the same question of an inmate on death row....or a homeless person trying to stay warm in the Winter.... yet another set of answers.

Living to die or dying to live....isn't solely about attitude, optimism or pessimism... sometimes it's about circumstance and how that circumstance shapes the choice and that answer....

For me, the answer changes depending on my mood...and how deeply I am thinking. If you look at life from a surface perspective, and have goals and dreams you haven't done yet but still want to, you are dying to live. If you look at the world as a whole.... at war, sad economy, people in our own country and around the world who go hungry and live in poverty and there is global warming..... we are all living to die.

Love the question! Thank you for posting it!! :)

I'm dying to LiVE

is the glass half full, or half empty?

Living to die. But that's perfectly alright with me. Aren't we all three seconds closer to death for reading this question?

im going to die

dying to live

I guess I am living to die. Aren't we all? We are all going to die.
I'm not dying to live, because I am already living. =)

"For to me is to live is Christ but to die is gain." Letter to the phillipians.

I am doing both:

I want a productive successful, happy, and satisfying life in this world that makes a difference in peoples lives bringing joy, peace and love but that means living in a world that can at its worst be harsh, cold, hate filled and unforgiving.

I want to enjoy the spender of heaven and being in God's presence in a world of joy, peace, love, grace, mercy where no tears are shed surrounded by loved ones.

So I die to live because it is not my time and God is not finshed with me yet, but I will live to die to live my eternal future in the love of God.