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Position:Home>Philosophy> I want to be happy every time what should i do ?

Question:thanx for sharing .....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: thanx for sharing .....

Just try to smile as much as you can!
At least, that would make people happy, therefore making you happy!

Everytime you breath? Can't help you there.
After you have sex? Well, who isn't?

Happiness all the time is impossible

Happiness is based on circumstance - it's impossible to be happy when someone you love dies... unless you're a sociopath. Likewise, it's difficult to be happy when you're just checking your email and answering phone calls - if the circumstance isn't there, the response of 'happiness' doesn't occur.

But, when someone you love dies, or when you're having a bad day at work you can still have hope and optimism, even if you're not happy at the moment. You plan for events and create places where happiness can happen by getting together with friends or watching a movie you love. Happiness can't happen all the time, but during times when you're not happy, you can think about what to do to make others happy, or plan for your next moment of happiness, even if it seems a long way off.

Hope that helps!

Get real.

If you're happy all the time, would you really know if you're happy?
