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Position:Home>Philosophy> Matter =Universe which was made from Nothing which is "Anti-matter"?

Question:So anti-matter is the opposite of matter..
The Question is:..What is the opposite of the one that performed the act?.."god".. the ".source" it what you will..
If everything has an opposite.. yin yang.. light darkness.. etc..
what is the opposite of so called "God"?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: So anti-matter is the opposite of matter..
The Question is:..What is the opposite of the one that performed the act?.."god".. the ".source" it what you will..
If everything has an opposite.. yin yang.. light darkness.. etc..
what is the opposite of so called "God"?

The "Universe" - or actually the part of "infinity" that we are in.. well.. there is no such thing as "perfection" - including a totally empty void or vacuum.. thus the + & - (positive/negative) aspect.

However.. as for a deity.. naw.. nada. Only figments of the ancient & ignorant, un-scientific mind(s)..

the anti-christ. or the devil. whichever you prefer

anti matter is not the opposite of matter. Anti-matter only has opposing properties of matter. And God (if there is such a being that deserves a name) is generally referred as being everything except what he created. So I suppose if god created all things(which being made of matter) he would then be the opposite of the stuff. But then the opposite of the stuff (matter) is nothing. An odd paradox

ps:the universe is mostly made of nothing. Only a small fraction of it is matter

I cannot argue whether "anti-matter" is the opposite or not. But I can tell you metaphysically that anti-matter is not "nothing." Neither existence nor the universe within existence was created from nothing. That is called "ex nihilo," and no theologians or physists believe that.

"Existence is a self-sufficient primary. It is not a product of a supernatural dimension, or of anything else. There is nothing antecedent to existence, nothing apart from it—and no alternative to it. Existence exists—and only existence exists. Its existence and its nature are irreducible and unalterable."

Anti-matter is not the opposite of nothing.

but anti matter is not the oppostite of matter