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Position:Home>Philosophy> Which part of your life would you like to return to?

Question:beautiful question.

I want to go back to Mexico City where I felt free for three months and had the greatest time in my life.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: beautiful question.

I want to go back to Mexico City where I felt free for three months and had the greatest time in my life.

the part of my life i wish to return to my happiest memories in childhood Report It

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  • Daffy's Avatar by Daffy
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  • 1 day old. :) And I would want to remember all that happened to me, so I wouldn't make stupid choices that I did.

    this one time i didnt ask this girl out. it was the PERFECT moment and i think she was expecting it. now its too late and we grew apart.

    when i was 7, i didn't have to worry about anything

    a baby so I could do it right this time

    14 years old, i made a lot of bad choices then, id like to change them

    freshman year in hs so i could take my classes more seriously & challenge myself! im paying for that now im college..

    I think it would be nice to go back to the high school years. I'm almost 20, so high school wasn't TOO long ago, but there are a lot of things I would've done differently.

    I wouldn't, life is great the way it is.

    when my father was on his death bed and he was conscience so i could tell him how much i loved and appreciated him....

    Though i know that i have made mistakes in the past, I beleive that every struggle i have made it through has made me grow stronger and get me to where i am today. therefore i would not like to go back in time, but just look at the past as a building block and a learning experiance.

    childhood - u are true...with out any desire, commitments, ego, knowledge, competitions, anger, trouble etc etc..
    u will be peaceful...leading u r own style of living,,,will be bliss full, will be loved & cared by everyone

    To 1971. The year before my father had his first heart attack. I would be a 3 year old genius with the mind I have now and saved his life.

    When I was still a little girl playing with barbies and finding the perfect ken!

    the part that he talked to me and was still my friend.

    10, I changed for the worse at 11. So, if I went back to 10 I would receive Jesus then and live my life for him instead of the way I did.

    High School and college. Do it the right way.

    Happy- the birth of my first child.

    A have to do over day- the day I got married

    The last day I spent with God,


    Mainly the parts when everyone was still there, before death took some away.

    If given a chance , I would like to go back to my school days. With modern facilities like inter net , I feel that I could have studied better . It would have helped me to get more marks and more opportunities .

    definantly Childhood. I think that stage in life speaks for itself.