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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you could give everything that you have, to gain just one thing, what would t

Question:Or, don't you think it would be worth it? There is something that I would like to possess that much, just the ability to sing a song; one song in particular. I'm asking out of curiosity, that's all.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Or, don't you think it would be worth it? There is something that I would like to possess that much, just the ability to sing a song; one song in particular. I'm asking out of curiosity, that's all.

my dad to speak again or walk

True love

World safety (wars,global warming, etc.)=))

I would love to be a songwriter.. i dont want the fame, not the ridiculous wage for a nn existant talent.. i would just want to write and my songs to be heard.. i would also love Israel Kamakawo'ole to be alive and do a duet of 'Somewhere over the Rainbow/Wonderful World'

That wuld make my life

Yes it would be worth it, to get my mother back.

I would give my left arm to make sure my son is healthy all his life and grows old gray and lives to 110 and still has his mind and lovely smile

be king of the world

eternal life


my mum to be healthy and happy

Peace and Love throughout the entire universe.

no i would have to have three things and to some extent i already have those so it would not be worth it.

real love

to be able to delete stupid questions from yahoo answers

I think anything is worth getting. But I get it the hard way. I work for it. Everything I have now, I've worked for and I don't intend to give up that habit.

So no, I would not give up anything to gain one thing. I would work for it, and still keep everything else I've worked for. If I can't work for it, it's not worth gaining.

to bring my deceased mother back

at the moment I'd give everything for a kebab with garlic sauce

I would give all my welt to get my led back and walk again, but alas it doesn't happen.

i think we should all count our blessings, but we dont.

If you're only talking about material possesions, I'd trade everything I have for this house...

which I would then sell right away.

the answer to life, the universe and everything. the answer to the ultimate question.



a closer relationship with God

What is the long term effect of your choice? If it is someone(a special someone to you )that does not want you to go for it, Then maybe that person is not for you. Watch the movie"phenomenon " That person needs to buy your chairs.

I would give everything to spend one day with God.

Inner peace.
Self acceptance.
A sense of worthiness, meaning and purpose to make life feel worth living.

I would give everything for that. I know its not just ONE thing, but its a "state" and inner feeling. To me, life isn't about what you DO or HAVE its about how you FEEL (about what you do and have).
