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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why don't nuns want sex?

Question:when they die and find there is no heaven they will be devastated

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: when they die and find there is no heaven they will be devastated

because they have really good bedroom toys hahaha


get some sleep...

shut up dude not funny

there is a heaven and you are a jerx

Have you ever thought that they might want sex but not give in to temptation?

well they want sex too they just have a lot of self control

they want to focus on only God...nothing else.

...but then again, what if there is a heaven and we're all sh*tting our pants because we have had sex.....eeek.....

because it's against their vows. They still want it, they just find ways to distract themselves from the feeling.

They don't have sex and they cover their heads because for some odd reason they think they're "married" to god in a way. They don't want to be scene by other men as hot or sexy etc. It's just like Muslim woman covering their heads and not wanting sex until their married, Nuns just are pretending to be married to "God" and he's not real so how are they supposed to have sex with him?

you are wrong!

The point of celibacy isn't to get to heaven or get extra bonus points in heaven. I'm not sure it has much to do with heaven at all. Its an act of sacrifice and service that symbolizes their deep devotion to God. Its also a way of chopping something out of their life so that there is more room for spiritual things. Wanting sex isn't the issue...its wanting something else more than sex.

nobody said they don;'t want sex, they just aren't supposed to have it. many cheat