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Position:Home>Philosophy> If the creator came to you and said “I will reveal to you all the secrets of the

Question:and it will blow your mind, …..but…. then you will only have one year to live afterwards”, would you do it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: and it will blow your mind, …..but…. then you will only have one year to live afterwards”, would you do it?

yes know the meaning of life and why we exist would be phenomenal


no, because all will be revealed upon my death anyway and would rather just wait it out...I don't believe in a creator anyway so if one should exist it is highly unlikely that he would choose lil ol me to impart the mysteries unto. I will just wait


Not except the knowledge. Life is precious. If the information was about how I could keep many from dying, then I would have to rethink the year to live thing. My son is more precious.

no way... i like a good mystery.

Depends on what you mean by "live". Do you mean physical life, or spiritual? If you mean absolute death-spirit and soul , then no.

If He hasn't done it to me, then there must be a really good reason for it. So no.

"IT" will blow my mind? Literally? That's very scary, but I'll give it a chance. If I know the secret to the universe, i might know the secret to destroy "IT." Well, if I can't destroy it at all, I'd just let it blow my mind. Life worth taking risk, and that may not be a necessary risk; but I might be the only one to be ask. I'd enjoy my times, and please myself as much as possible. Am I allow to tell this to my friends? Oh, they probably don't believe me anyways. Well, I'd ask them to come with me and enjoy the fun. I'll ask as much people as I can. If they don't believe me, I guess it's sucks for them. I can have all the pleasure I want...for a year. Well, at least I'm the only one to enjoy it.

Kind of a silly premise. On of the secrets is eternal life. As soon as I got that, any deals I made concerning my current lifespan would be meaningless. Creators don't generally play those kind of tricks. They are usually played by the wannabes, and the wannabes don't really know all the secrets anyway!

No, I prefer He give me eternal life. then all have time to continue discovering.

What would you DO with all the secrets of the Universe?
Could they exist in terms we understand?
Granted only a year to deal with them? A non-starter---
Try this old Zen koan: " If you had but one minute to ask Buddha any question of importance, what would you ask?"

I already know the secrets of the Universe. It's the Creator who comes to me to ask how it all works.

The Creator isn't that bright.

I believe that I would take the knowledge. Wait...."all the secrets of the universe"...Only if that means I can find a cure for cancer and autism then I would gladly die in a year just to have the knowledge to stop both. All the other stuff I could deal without. But I'd be a good competitor in the Knowledge Bowl ^.^

no, because the only reason we choose to live is the fact that we think that there is some thing to live for and for most people that is that there is something Else out there something unknown

No, because I wouldn't want all the secrets handed to me on a silver platter (especially with such a high price). Man's ability to think rationally and conduct science has already revealed many previous secrets, and there is no reason why we won't continue to discover--and comprehend, something your god doesn't mention--nature's secrets for ourselves. If a god were to make such an offer, I suspect it would be more out of desperation than benevolence; the "god of the gaps" continues to shrink towards non-existence. (If you don't know the "god of the gaps" argument, check the Wiki link below.)

I would rather live a long life and see a few more secrets revealed on our own initiative, than to get all the secrets now but not be able to see the fruits they bear.