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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why are YOU so ...Generous?

Question:...with your time and helping others?

I believe one good deed will cause a ripple effect in the day!

thank you for sharing...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ...with your time and helping others?

I believe one good deed will cause a ripple effect in the day!

thank you for sharing...

I try to be helpful to others because I believe it is the right thing to do. Not because I was told it was right, although my mother and grandmother may have done so at too early an age for me to remember that, but because I FEEL that it's the right thing to do. I don't expect or demand a return of generosity, and it seldom is returned to me.

gives me somethings to do. :)))

I am always giving advice or trying to help someone because I truly believe in the "Golden Rule."

"Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you."

Even if you just walk an older person across the street or help them off of the trolley. Every little thing helps everyone involved.

Life has many laws/rules to it like the law of gravity they just are and you can't change it. Another one is you reap what you sow or what you dish out will come back to you sometimes several times over.

It is also a known fact that people who give of there time express a deeper satisfaction with their lives then those who do not.

Now I may give of my time to help others knowing that I may not ever see a return from the person I am giving to but I hope will see it somewhere at sometime when I least expect it. If not, I am a better person for having loved and cared.

We are to love our neighbors as ourselves and to love God with all our heart mind soul and body. These two things will bring great wholeness to ones life. It has mine and I'm still working on it.

because i can