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Position:Home>Philosophy> What gives you more inner freedom having a boy/girlfriend or being single?

Question:Inner freedom like free from your self-conscious and more towards being in peace.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Inner freedom like free from your self-conscious and more towards being in peace.

This is strictly on the individual. Some people find true happiness being alone but having close relationships without the strings of a relationship. It keeps them from making promises to others that they can't keep and doesn't make them the bad guy for not bending to the will of another.
Co-dependent people aren't this way. They feel they HAVE to have someone in their lives to be happy. Depending on another to achieve freedom from self-consciousness is in itself a self-conscious act.
Happiness should always start within that way it won't be an issue of depending on someone else who may not stick around to fulfill your life with the happiness you think they give.

I think it depends on what you really want
if ur co-dependant, u belong with someone
but if u like to hav fun and go out there, single
If ur parter however, doesnt mind if u go out
with ur friends and have fun, then i dont think it will matter


I would say single

dude, go single. Single is the new married. LOL

Finding the right person for you is the real way to get total inner peace.If you feel more comfortable being single ,BE SINGLE! You should not have to NEED anyone. You first have to be able to stand on your own.

Being single makes me happier for some reason. I can do what I want to do and nobody can say anything about it. That's freedom if you ask me.

Doesn't that depend on your personality and the kind of relationship you have with your partner?

Being single is the most peaceful state of being I've ever experienced and my conscience has never been more clear or awaken.

Great question - like it!

I definitely have more inner freedom being single. On the other hand, if I found the right person, I suspect I could have even more inner freedom. But on the other hand (how many hands is that?) what's really missing from our lives, I believe, is the tribe, not just a partner, but the whole extended family - aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, grandchildren etc.

Thanks for the pondering.