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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why are we always trying to get ahead?

Question:Is something catching up? Lolz

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is something catching up? Lolz

the big boogy man is chasing.
i am always trying to just stay above the pile of dirt that keeps burring me alive.

You are a clever one!!

People pursue affluence to forget about the inevitable.

You can't move back in time. You have to move forward.

Remove a certain "a" from that quote and then you have yourself a question

zen buddhists say accept everything
without emotion

lose a dollar smile
find a dollar smile
be one with the universe
there is no getting ahead or being behind
just being

The perpetual "rat race" convinces us sthat we will somehow "lose" if we stop to check out the scenery.

To paraphrase Woody Allen: Life is like a shark - if you don't keep moving forward, you die.

you never know cause with the way that prices keep going up. you never know when you going need some extra help for unexpected repairs.

Ahead is all ways nice ?

It is human nature to strive to be and or do better- to improve themselves

Well, if you're not ahead, you're behind... and when you're behind all you smell is a$$ and all you taste is dust... and what kind of fun is that?