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Position:Home>Philosophy> What are islamic fascists views on U.S existentialism?

Question:Uh, there is no specifically American type of existentialism.

Most likely Muslims would not support existentialism of any kind because this philosophy maintains we are in a universe that is indifferent to our existence and are "condemned to freedom" to do what we want with our lives and that what we do won't amount to anything significant.

Muslims believe that God cares about the followers of their religion and will love and protect them, but only if they do what they think God wants them to do, such as praying five times a day while on the ground facing Mecca.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Uh, there is no specifically American type of existentialism.

Most likely Muslims would not support existentialism of any kind because this philosophy maintains we are in a universe that is indifferent to our existence and are "condemned to freedom" to do what we want with our lives and that what we do won't amount to anything significant.

Muslims believe that God cares about the followers of their religion and will love and protect them, but only if they do what they think God wants them to do, such as praying five times a day while on the ground facing Mecca.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

If it doesn't have anything to do with Allah, I can assure you that they want to destroy it.

They are true psychos.

so you're asking what our view is, about their [alleged] views, about our [purported] views?

woah. too many orders of intentionality. I is confused.

our right to control any country becuase we dont let them be a state answers every question

Existentialism was first formulated by a Muslim philosopher , so there is no contradiction between theistic existentialism and Islam .

Sorry to have burst ya bubble .

And what the hell is U.S existentialism , pray do tell?