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Position:Home>Philosophy> I want to be an Evil Genius... mwahahaha...?

Question:What do you want the world to be like after I take over?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What do you want the world to be like after I take over?

Firstly, what are you credentials...

Where did you receive your education and in what...

Did you ever consider getting your doctorate in Dr.Evil?

I won't accept any person as my "evil genius", unless they're fully qualified for the job...

I want you to make everyone love and respect one another.

Love and blessings Don

I would assissinate you and take your place, then someone would take care of me and the cycle will go on until we are all gone..

world peace, problem free, no discriminations, equal personalities...

I want you to figure out why ALLLL self proclaimed "Evil Genius's" have the same "evil laugh?" After that I would like to know if you'll ever be toppled by a Righteous Genius? But you can rule the world for as long as your time should last because I don't believe you'd run it any worse than our current leadership so the forecast for your reign is looking up.

But for real when you start to run this thing, how about ending hunger and instituting free health care for all (nominal price for the excessively wealthy). How about you do something about the way we design our cities and towns, more pedestrian friendly and more density in the cities and keeping our rural parts pristine.

an equilibrium?

I hope that when you take over, naughtiness's will abound.All the no skateboarding on sidewalk signs will come down. under penalty of extreme pain i will never have to get up before twelve.All kids shows will be banned from the TV.

i wish you kneve rhad those words so you can take it from me,., but god didnt give you anything to make you belive that so hows your life going to be after you have to die,., or are you importall too

You're the genius. Figure it out.

Rid the world of evil then ask me the question again :-P
