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Position:Home>Philosophy> Were you born a Questioner or an Answerer?

Question:Do YOU ever answer a question? Or do you just like to ask and use up your points?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do YOU ever answer a question? Or do you just like to ask and use up your points?


Neither. I learned how to do both later in life.


answerer, it feeds my ego

questioner, although id like to be able to learn alot from my questions to later be an answerer to people

I was born an answerer. Even as a very small child, I did not accept the "answers." I already had them (wrong as they were), and it took much convincing to prove to me that things were not as I assumed. Throughout my life, I have been taken aside, have been told a terrible story or secret, and have been asked for answers. I might make a lot of mistakes with my own life, but I have always had the right answers for others. I don't know what is more annoying--having a child that asks, "why, why, why?," or having one that already knows everything. My poor parents.

Questioner, for sure. I can't stand to not know "why". (in case you didn't realize, there are different kinds of questioners..some more apt to ask "how", usually needing to understand the workings of things, and "why" questioners need to understand concepts)

Why do you ask? (just kidding)

I was not born to sit day long on this mindless sight to earn points that I cannot spend on what I want. I was not born to seek knowledge by people on cyberspace. But then, why am I still here?

I'm a questioner. I'm always going out of my way to learn stuff, whether it's useful information or not! :-)

I was born a questioner. Even in answering someone else's question I have to ask myself half a dozen questions.

Your answerers are probably all questioners. They are just telling you the answer to something they have already asked themselves.

questioner but R&S changed that that Q,S DISSAPEAR AS FAST AS i ASK THEM


I was really born a Questioner and Debater, I won't make a good Answerer.

a questioner and something of an autodidact.

so I guess I've become a want to know-it-all


actually, if I had more time, I'd like to ask more questions on Y!A but I like getting points so I answer more

Let me guess . . . you're a born questioner? Do you ever answer questions?

Ego - Answerer

I was born ME!!!!!!!! Sweet i know =]=]=]=]

A questioner, I just play an answerer on Y!A!

I was actually born howling!!!

Some interpreted as my questioning the need to be born (as I was forced to come out few days earlier); others thought I was answering their need to know if I was OK.

I was born to be a manipulator of language. I try to do an honest job of it without deceiving people.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

neither...just a thinker

I seek to Question and find my own answers.

What do you think, just look at my record.....10,626 answers and 127 questions. The most questions I asked in a week was 6. After you have had teenagers in the house, it's very rewarding to say something and not get into a big arguement about it.

Now to answer your question it case you haven't figured it out yet:

Was born both but I lean towards the answering more.


Answerer...I'm inept at questioning.

I'm an answerer. I like pointing people in the right direction and sharing the knowledge I have come across in my time.

But I love to learn, but instead of asking people, I try to figure things out myself.

An answerer on a Quest.

guess that would be an answerer...cause i always got something to say to someone about something