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Question:with the wrong person? Why is the heart this way?

Does God do something to your heart to make you love a person?

I mean I'm sure you fell in love in your life just to find out the person is wrong for you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: with the wrong person? Why is the heart this way?

Does God do something to your heart to make you love a person?

I mean I'm sure you fell in love in your life just to find out the person is wrong for you.

you dont fall in love with the wrong person. you dont fall in love unless its the right person. God maybe does that for some expereinces. you havnt been in love if it wasnt the right person.

So you will love your children. Or at least the way they look.

God has got nothing to do with it. Free will remember!
And no, I didn't fall in love until it was the right person and then I just knew it was right--31yrs ago.

1.) Your question is theologically based.

2.) your question limits us in saying that he "lets you."

3.) Love is not in your "heart." It's in your brain. The heart used to be believed to be our brains because it innervated all parts of our body thus giving us our perceptions delivered to the heart (brain) and body commands away via the circulatory system. This was an error. This is also where the expression comes from.

4.) You'll find yourself falling in love with pretty people most of the time. Pretty people with symetrical faces and desireable attributes. Hardly magic in that light.

5.) Beauty is associated in our minds with "good." In movies we readily understand good people to be good looking and criminals ugly. Most of the time.

6.) In light of all this we are attracted to breeding material and that inspires a large psychological reaction involving idolization, longing, attatchment, and sexual attraction. Hardly magic.

7.) Most people find "the love of their lives" within a 50 mile radius. Hardly destiny. More like convenience or coveting what's nearest, making the love -convenience. Hardly romance.

8.) There's a quote form the bible that says foxes of the field have dens birds of the air have nests but the son of man has no place to rest his head. "Love" is like this. No one is made for eachother. We are made for the opposite sex and that is all. No one is born with a secret password to our pants and most relationships fail.

God does nothing to your heart to make you fall in love with a certain person and I think you know this. You are simply blessed with the ability to fall in love. Who you fall in love with has to do with you, not God. I have found that, in most cases, what one thought was love, was infatuation (an "idea" of what somebody is) and not really love at all. At least not true love.

That's not god, its cupid - and he lilkes to have fun that way.

When you go through these experiences, you grow and learn from them, but , most of all, you learn more about yourself. You learn what makes you happy and what to look for in a guy/girlfriend. You learn to be a better partner as well and you learn to be smarter in your choices SO that you'll end up with The One that deserves to be with you, that warms your very soul with their love, and whose actions speak louder than words.

We usually fall in love with the types of people that somehow allow us to let down our natural boundaries of protection and be vulnerable.
You chose. It didn't necessarily work out. Accept that and move on. You're not at fault and neither is God. It takes two, sometimes the other person fails our love investment and trust in them.

Get some counseling, talk to somebody and stop the blaming which is hampering your healing.
God gave you the ability to be loving. So eventually you will have feelings again and feel like investing in another. Work on getting these hurts to heal up and letting go. Ask God to help you find the reason within yourself that you might've experienced this in your life. (There will always be things to discover within ourselves ultimately that contribute) Then, you will be able to move on and make a better choice, a choice that will bless you. One experience does not a life make, a failure to make life connection doesn't necessarily mean you chose poorly either. Sometimes the love, and the pain, opens your heart and your capacity for greater things. Keep moving. You never know what's around the next corner.

Good question.
Love is one of those things over which we have no conscious control. It either happens or it doesn't.

Actually there are many kinds of love. Hopefully, in time, you will find the person you will spend your life with. That love will grow everyday, into a love you cannot today even comprehend.

Why fall in love with Mr/Ms Wrong? It's all part of learning, growing as a person. It can hurt like he!!, but in time you learn from the experience: about yourself, about what you want in a life partner, about human nature.

Good luck in your quest. It isn't easy.

there is no god, the question is moot.

take responsibility for your own actions

Why does god let us live? I guess we have the capability to do this and many other things.

god sits around the frat house scheming up these things for a freak. he is bored and needs to amuse himself.

real answer: god does not exist beyond the mind of man. we all do things that in retrospect make everyone think we need a straight jacket.

God doesn't make you fall in love because God does not exist. You fall in love all by yourself.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.