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Question:this was the question I was asked to write about when I was in primary school 20 years ago...which one would you choose??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: this was the question I was asked to write about when I was in primary school 20 years ago...which one would you choose??

If you have wealth without knowledge youl be broke too quick - if you have knowledge you can make ur own wealth and keep it longer

if on the other hand its unending wealth, then you could be thick as mince and buy ur knowledge, friends, and some poor smart guy to run ur finances

I dont know!!!what a moral dilema......

id choose wealth-ive pretty good common sense and can wing it with the best of them.

health?? wealth or knowledge are both useless without health.

I'm thick.

So wealth.

I would choose knowledge. Money just brings problems.

with knowledge you can become wealthy

Hmmm. Thats a tough one. But you cant buy knowledge but you can get wealthy from knowledge...

So i would choose knowledge.


Health, Knowledge, and Love(All interrelated)


With Knowledge Comes Wealth.
Wealth On Its Own Is Wealth Not Well Earned.


I would have gone for knowledge and entitled it "A wealth of knowledge". Hey hang on I am sounding like a smart Alec ,,if I had been at primary school I would have been stumped but would probably have gone for wealth . Hope that is not too confusing.

i would say that knowledge is a kind of wealth in itself so really if you are knowledgeable you are in a way rich

surely that is better than just having money for no reason?

so i would definitely choose knowledge =]


I'd pick knowledge, because with knowledge you'd be smart enough to figure out a way to become wealthy. I'd rather be smart anyday over being rich.

Wealth, wealth, wealth.

Knowledge is great but unless you're Einstein what does it matter, there'l always be people way ahead of you.

Okay, you're going to say it's not all about competition. Knowledge is a sort of personal wealth. Okay it is but the whole thing is hypothetical anyway. You will never be in an either or, situation. Most usually there'l be those with more of both and those with less of both.

But given that I am already, 'what I am' then, I'll take the money! can use it to gaine wealth :D

Which do you trully need?

Wealth is written in paper. It can be taken from you. It means nothing more than what the scoeity says it does. Think about what 10cents used to be, as to what it is today. It changes.

Knowlegde can not be taken from you. It means everything. In the end it is really all you have, the things you think you know, the things you do know, where you've been, who you are, everything. It too changes, but only through growth, and only through replacing the bs to find trandsendental perception.

I wid go fur knowledge. Surely if ye wurr quite smart, ye could manage tae get enough dosh tae live a happy life!!! I still think I wid be happy, even if I were pretty poor. I huv a great circle o' friends and family and they urr worth more than any cash that I could get....

Knowledge... if you got it, wealth is of no matter.
I know many people who are very learned and stinking rich, but they lead a simple life.

Knowledge for I recognize that I already have wealth in my life. I am a loving and concerned parent. Wanting a better world for my child to live in. I have my health. I have a rich and full filling spiritual life. But my ultimate wealth is not based on this. My ultimate wealth comes from when my son looks at me and Say, "Your the best mom ever, I love you." What do I need with the world description of wealth. My heart and mind already know what it is.


As Einstein said, 'It is better to become a man of value than a man of wealth.'

With knowledge you can improve current understanding of the world, making tomorrow a better place.

Wealth so that I could pay for a lot of education and acquisition of knowledge.