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Position:Home>Philosophy> How Often Do You Stop to Smell the Flowers?

Question:Or are you always walking and/or jogging?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Or are you always walking and/or jogging?

not often enough these past few days, but i usually do actually because i love life, everyone should
i will again after wednesday night (midterm :( wish me luck!!!)

Unfortunately, not enough...

as much as humanly possible, haha.

Love flowers. They are my favorite fragrance. I stop a lot.

I like the smell of rain, stand or sit in patio with windchimes softly stirring on a windy day or rainy day. Love to hear the clash of thunder...

Usually never. Funny that you mention it because as I was doing some errands today I was bombarded with a pleasant smelling odor. I traced the scent to a display of Hyacinths. So today I stopped and literally smelled the flowers. I'll try to incorporate it more into my daily schedule.

barely ever, i used to really enjoy popping the heads off tulips, though. I was a sick, sick child.

Never. I am mortally afraid of all flowers. They attacked me when I was but a child.

Never that makes me quite sad:(


was thinking today how it's like taking an old book off the shelf when you do , scents , sounds , the look . All things the previous seasons had made us put to the back of our minds . Not by choice just the coping reality of dealing with the moment . The more the " be online and be available " working lifestyle takes over the more important it is to grab a different kind of time and share it with thoes who understand or might .

I really do appreciate beauty and the little things in life.
Some days I wake up fine and others I'm so crippled I can't walk or sometimes talk. It is transient and so I know how miraculous it is to brush my own hair or open a juice bottle.
Laughing out loud and being able to hug are pretty much at the top of my priority list most days. I'm very fortunate.
I know when my life is good and I savor those moments.
I honestly think that suffering is not the worst thing that can happen to a person. I think a thoughtless, wasted life is a much greater tragedy. Thank you for the question.

I probably do it too much. I spend a lot of time on this rather than going to point B.