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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think praying actually changes anything?

Question:yes or no and why?

some things to consider:

god is all-knowing ... he already knows what is going to happen, and has already planned the future ... ?

predestination ... ?

if god does answer prayers, does that mean god is changing?

is prayer actually for our own benefit ... or when god knows we are "ready," will he cause his desires to become our own, giving us the illusion that our own prayers were answered, when it was his will all along?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: yes or no and why?

some things to consider:

god is all-knowing ... he already knows what is going to happen, and has already planned the future ... ?

predestination ... ?

if god does answer prayers, does that mean god is changing?

is prayer actually for our own benefit ... or when god knows we are "ready," will he cause his desires to become our own, giving us the illusion that our own prayers were answered, when it was his will all along?

There is only God. Everything else is an illusion.

yes, of course, your sense of being and your attitude towards the world... if you cannot change yourself for the better, no one else will...


praying changes you, because u feel good

Is god omniscient? omnipresent? omnipotent? if he is, then he has no need for your prayers, but since god is not, as we can tell from the state of the world - he probably needs them.
that is if god exists, the rationalist in me thinks otherwise.

prayer is another form of meditation. if meditating or praying brings people closer to their own truth i would say it is hugely beneficial.

is there some sort of cosmic retribution? well i prayed for a week that my parents would get me a 'CHiPs' bigwheel when i was a kid...

i'm still waiting.

I am an atheist (in the mildest of senses) and I think prayer can be very beneficial to people. It allows for personal introspection and complete honesty with oneself, which I have found difficult to achieve other than in prayer.

I am an atheist too (also "in the mildest of senses") and I think that positive mentality that comes from prayer is hugely healing. Introspection and honesty are only part of it.

It will change you mindset and perhaps act like a placebo.

Based on one's religious beliefs in miracles - yes and no.

things may be predestined, but i believe in fate AND free will. and prayer is free will. you CHOOSE to pray. maybe prayer can just help the dead in the afterlife. good question.

Though God is all knowing He also knows when we are going to pray about something or someone. He may or may not fulfill our pray request. Sometimes He does not to test our faith and sometimes He does to help us have more faith. Sometimes He gives to give us our desire to give us more faith sometimes He does not give us the desire because it is not the best thing for all concerned. He knows past present and future and even when all are going to pray. But we must pray that is part of our relationship with Him. But we have to know what to pray for . Mostly one should pray for the Greatest good and highest joy of another or our self and leave the rest to God. He knows better than we do what is best. Nice question. Thanks.

Prayer is unfailing .means of cleansing the hart of passions,To fortify our healthy sprit we pray. Prayer turns sad time into a happy time.,and can remove the elements of nature.Your goal is to relize God. In sincere prayer,you are no longer despondent but happy and elated.You are one with the almighty.

No, praying does not change anything. It merely gives us the illusion that we can do something about things like terminal illness and great natural disasters.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

Praying may change someones mentality by giving them hope. But prayer has no ability to directly influence the outcome of external events. Prayer will not heal your sick loved one or get you a good grade on an exam. Even if God is real, I doubt a prayer will convince God to change his mind.

Well! well!! well! When it comes to sensuality one need'nt even blink an eye for any one to jump into the very act, but Prayer for the soul.....Oh!!! My giddy aunt..... how many out there are so very uncertain, unsure of what ill could beget them. Ohhh!! La, La, La!!!! I like that.
Hey, tell you what? Pay a home priest, the poor guy would'nt starve to death and he/ she could pray for your soul while you be a prey to your very own soul. Like IT? Big Time!!!
By the way, can a home priest be a male or a female??? Time to Think!!!! Bye, have a nice day.