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Position:Home>Philosophy> I felt like getting a little "philosophical"...?

Question:If we are all God's children, then how is it possible that He sent His "one and only son" to die on a cross for us? It just doesn't add up. That question popped into my head earlier, but I didn't think that I wanted to start a huge debate about religion. However, I changed my mind, so start answering. As a side note, I DO NOT, under ANY circumstances, want ANYBODY to answer in an unscientific way. In other words, NO "HAVE FAITH!!!" CRAP!!! I want an answer and I want it now!!! If ANYBODY disagrees with these guidelines, then they shall expect a horrible curse to be brought upon them. The curse could be the "c" word, the "d" word, the "a" word, or <gulp> the "f" word. Do I make myself clear? Good. You may start answering.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If we are all God's children, then how is it possible that He sent His "one and only son" to die on a cross for us? It just doesn't add up. That question popped into my head earlier, but I didn't think that I wanted to start a huge debate about religion. However, I changed my mind, so start answering. As a side note, I DO NOT, under ANY circumstances, want ANYBODY to answer in an unscientific way. In other words, NO "HAVE FAITH!!!" CRAP!!! I want an answer and I want it now!!! If ANYBODY disagrees with these guidelines, then they shall expect a horrible curse to be brought upon them. The curse could be the "c" word, the "d" word, the "a" word, or <gulp> the "f" word. Do I make myself clear? Good. You may start answering.

I bit of a McBethian resolution but...

I believe Christ is called the only 'begotten' son of God. I.e. Sired as from a father. I.e. born.

The rest of us, as the theology goes, descended from the original pair who were created from dirt, hence not begotten.
We are described as children in the sense of owing our ultimate existence to God, being under His care, & because we occasionally behave in a VERY childlike manner....

...such as threatening to curse those who recommend Faith. ;-)

wow that was scary.....the last lines.
well anyways..hay..We are God's children?? No. We are not (?) So no debate.

aaaaaaaaand yes!! HAVE FAITH, is crap!! I hate that too.
Good going, doctor:)


I gave birth to 3 children but I love many more then just my 3.Do you have children,do you love them all equally?I believe this is how god meant it.God loves all equally no matter who they are.He created us in his image

By what scientific equipment are we to measure LOVE? How do you measure the voltage in the smile of a child? If there is a thing called a SOUL, then is it within this dimension, and if so how much does it weigh? Did you know that there have been tests of weighing people as they die, and there is a slight loss of weight in death more than what can be accounted for in the last breath of that life? You ask a question about one branch of the tree that we call spiritual life, and do this in a threatening manor... I can name 5 other religions that have a single SON of the MAKER of all things. Are they all wrong as well, or are these just a collection of thoughts put together by Man to explain what cannot be explained in any other way?

I take strength in the fact that we are all alike in our uniqueness!



You cannot think outside the box when you cannot think. You should leave the door open for possibilities.

This question is simple, you just have to have faith.

Ok just view it this way. Yes we are all children of god, just like me and you are brother and sister, but you are not my blood brother or sister, i only have one blood sister and no brothers yet everyone is my brother and sister. Make Sense? Jesus is god's blood son.

You have to realize that the bible is old. There are parts that are missing for starters (admitted to by the catholic church). That the original stories where told by word of mouth before there was even a written language. Next the ancient Hebrew language doesn't have word that translate to English (they have no vowels) so they made educated guesses.

Jesus as the "Son of God" Yes he came, he was the chosen one for the belief system of that era for that culture, but, enough was said within the scripture to prove to people then and know that God truly does exist. Just as other religions have there chosen saviors also. When ever there is a mighty change in thought and life there is a prophet, son, child and now a daughter of god sent to earth to help inspire and guide.

There is one who is here on earth know that is being given the knowledge to interpret bible prophecy. To prove who she is and to prove who god is.