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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is wealth your greatest need..why or why not?

let's just say I've been disappointed by everything else: friends, family, love. money never fail me.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: yes.
let's just say I've been disappointed by everything else: friends, family, love. money never fail me.

yes becusase u can be very wise and u can know everything

Yes, because it fulfills the two most important needs in Mazlow's Hierarchy of Values: Food and Shelter.

well my thoughts a re what i enjoy the most

health is your greatest need.. i have friends withtons of money in the bank, you cant buy your health..

You don't NEED wealth. You NEED good health, and love. Although being wealthy on top of having good health and love is always a bonus!

You can attain food and shelter without wealth. You can even reach the top of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs which is self-actualization without wealth. It would probably simplify things a great deal, but it's not my greatest need. I need coffee more than anything else.

Wealth is most definitely not my greatest need. Why is wealth not? With wealth comes a desire for more wealth, and with more wealth comes a desire for power, and with power comes a desire for more power, and once you have all the wealth and all the power you stand alone, despised, and foolish.

Definitely not, although it's easy to get caught up in believing it is. I don't rely on money to make me happy.

Yes, wealth If it is not just associated with ONLY money.
If I feel hungry my greatest need at that time would be food .If there is hunger , repeatedly , in a family their greatest need would be food and money for food.
So is the case with all needs of the people...... be it health, shelter , relationship, etc.
Wealth would , generally , mean an accumulation or hoarding beyond one`s need. If this becomes the greatest need in life that is the end of life.

Yes, wealth is my greatest need because wealth is realistically a measurement for welfare, including the access to health care.

Health, on the other hand, is my asset.