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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can we & do we need to try to restore religion to the place of importance it onc

Question:No. Consider something like birth control. Some churches are opposed to it because it defeats the purpose of sex -to procreate. Think of all the women who get married and cannot use birth control. They love their husbands but do not necessarily want to be pregnant every other year until menopause kicks in or their uterus gives up. In addition the household now struggles harder to support an additional mouth to feed. It seems to be a way to keep the masses poor indefinitely. If the average family has no more than say two children. This leaves more money for things like healthcare, education, investing in a home, more leisure time to contemplate the world that one lives in and how better to survive in it -strategize. In turn, each generation will be better educated and more prosperous. That is not to say that this cannot happen with a large family but the chances of this are higher when you have more resources spread over less people. On a side note -why are some religions still teaching abstinence? It is not in the nature of any animal to be celibate. It has not worked for hundreds of years so why teach what does not work for the greater majority of people? The bible says man should not live alone. So what does that say about priests? What is the purpose of denying yourself intimacy and love? Would it not enrich your life and thereby enrich the things that you do for mankind?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: No. Consider something like birth control. Some churches are opposed to it because it defeats the purpose of sex -to procreate. Think of all the women who get married and cannot use birth control. They love their husbands but do not necessarily want to be pregnant every other year until menopause kicks in or their uterus gives up. In addition the household now struggles harder to support an additional mouth to feed. It seems to be a way to keep the masses poor indefinitely. If the average family has no more than say two children. This leaves more money for things like healthcare, education, investing in a home, more leisure time to contemplate the world that one lives in and how better to survive in it -strategize. In turn, each generation will be better educated and more prosperous. That is not to say that this cannot happen with a large family but the chances of this are higher when you have more resources spread over less people. On a side note -why are some religions still teaching abstinence? It is not in the nature of any animal to be celibate. It has not worked for hundreds of years so why teach what does not work for the greater majority of people? The bible says man should not live alone. So what does that say about priests? What is the purpose of denying yourself intimacy and love? Would it not enrich your life and thereby enrich the things that you do for mankind?

i think so..

Absolutely not. People are finally starting to think for themselves.

No we need to get rid of all religions once and for all! Do you realize how many people have been killed in the name of religion? None of them make any sense and it's time people realized they are all based on stories the ancient people made up to explain things they couldn't explain any other way!!! Then they have been changed over the years in order to control the masses! When everyone realizes we all come from the same place and we will all return to the same place, we can finally have peace!!!

We need to promote *evidence* as a basic epistemological standard, and then whatever can be shown with evidence can be mutually agreed upon. If religion can meet that standard, fine. If not, it should be dismissed.

probably but wich religion are you talking about im a christian so i definatly think so but i still think you need more info about your question for ppl to really answer cuz you could get a lot of different answers! regarding different religions!

My opinion--Yes. This country has stood on religious beliefs and now it is being pushed aside. I do not think it can or will be restored.

I would say that some do advocate for this. However, I would say that we do not need to restore nations to theocracies, as the world is a much different place than it was roughly 500 years ago.

Please remember, it was under these theocracies that the Crusades happened, ghettos were created to persecute the Jews, and Protestantism arised.

Interesting question because you hypothesize that religion is not "as" important as it "once" was. Religion will always be an important factor in mans existence because man needs it. Man needs to understand the world around him and for many, religion helps explain the unknown. What he doesn't understand, he fears. There he has his faith and it comforts him.
I hope this answers your question.