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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you agree with philosophy of believing in yourself and not what anybody saids

Question:do you agree with the philosophy of believing in yourself?

do you feel that believing in yourself philosophy is till follwed today?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: do you agree with the philosophy of believing in yourself?

do you feel that believing in yourself philosophy is till follwed today?

its good believing in yourself,it is also good to learn from others. We are not perfect, listening to others such as the old,they are the wisest people of all. We would learn from them,only cos its good for us. Knowledge from them is the bonus gift in our lifetime.

I believe in being the final arbiter of my own life; however, I still think it's wise to at least consider what other people say before dismissing them out of hand. We can't grow and change if we never consider the possibility that we're wrong.


Definately. That is the key to life, you don't need anyone but they are good company.

I wouldn't call believing in yourself a "philosophy." It is good to believe in yourself, but on the other hand there is a saying that Pride goeth before a fall.

Ive found it to be a very rare occurance to meet someone who actually saw me for who I was and so could directly teach me about myself. I believe my own perception of myself is much more reliable than most other people who know me.

The problem is that we all share a common flaw, and that is that it is very easy to be mistaken about the inner experiences of the people around us. Most people underestimate how easy it is to be wrong about this and so very often believe their narrow, short sighted perspective of a person offers enough information to evaluate and judge the person. It takes practice and the right knowledge to begin to appreciate this flaw, judge less, and empathize more. It is only those who are aware of this common flaw of ours who I would consider trusting their perception of me. The rest tend to offer poor advice and guidance.

Do I believe in believing in myself? Not in the least. While some confidence is good, blindly believing in one's self is, stupid. Eventually you begin to delude yourself with a grander self-image, and as all should know, a lie told often enough becomes a truth. So eventually you wander through life as a misguided, delusional, sheep.

And I hope it's still not followed today.

I don't know exactly, but the concept can be applied to Hamlet
since if I am (might) agree of believing in myself, our own personal preferences and knowledge are limited if we exclude rational thinking and reasoning