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Position:Home>Philosophy> If a bus full of lawyers was about to fall off a cliff, what would be your first

Question:thank God

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: thank God

My first thoughts were of their families, because even though they don't always seem it- lawyers are people too.

I'd better get that will done quick!

I'd hope they had their Last and Will Testament done by a good Lawyer.

I make as many lawyer jokes as the next person, but I would freak out if I saw that.

...Actually, now that I think about it, why are lawyers on a bus? Most would never be caught dead on a bus...But what if they're dead and no one's around to stop a person from putting the body on a bus with a whole bunch of other dead lawyer carcasses?

Dude, why are you writing about a dead lawyer bus? That's just cruel.

firstly, how the hell would you know that they were all lawyers?
secondly, Is the bus driver a lawyer aswell, since the bus is full of lawyers.

You obviously used the wrong hacks.

Sue the driver for neglegence (he shouldn't have driven off the cliff)!

Sue the bus company for respondeat superor (they are the deeper pocket)!

Sue the manufacturer for product liability (the bus should be easier to keep on the road)!

Sue the owner of the land for premises liability (they should have better safeguards)!

Oh, and apply for their jobs.

To sue the bus company for not having a movie crew there.

point and stare

what am i SUPPOSED to do?? drag an entire bus away from the cliff by myself???

fall motherfu-cker fall

hope non were mine, i have a case Tuesday!!!!

I would first wonder how I knew they were all lawyers then I would think if I knew any of them.
Then I would point, stare, then go on about my business

Call my dad. Lol