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Position:Home>Philosophy> At what date in history did we break with the past and become "modern man&q

Question:Examples as why this is so important

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Examples as why this is so important

It was somewhere in the pre-Socratic era, before Thales. It was NOT anthropological. It was cognitive.

You see, "modern man" is not Homo sapiens, who is dead. We are are his nearest living cousin, called Homo sapiens sapiens, meaning consciousness of consciousness; cognition of cognition; cognition of consciousness; etc.

It means we became aware that we think about thinking--that we BECAME AWARE of it. Sapient sapience means we can add knowledge upon knowledge, getting from Thales philosophy, to that of Einstein and beyond.

There is an anthroplogical "break" in pre-history where we somehow were separate from species like Cromagnon. And there is an ongoing use of the term to describe anyone in recent history, to differentiate culture/life in some designated historical period, but that could have been Renaissance philosophers comparing things to what we call the Dark Ages. There really is no such thing as a single example of a "modern" man.

the modern man now is one who is apt with computers and electronics and recieves instant gratification though there can not be one defenite modern man

"The Autumn of the Middle Ages," Huizinga,
"From Dawn to Decadence," Jacques Barzun,
"The Life of Thomas More," Peter Ackroyd, and
"Washington, the Indispensible Man," James Thomas Flexner, give good insight into various phases of modernity; however, Britney and Paris may well provide good examples of why it's "so important."

Probably when Ogg dropped Mogg with a
spear from an atlatl.

July 14, 1923 at 2am