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Position:Home>Philosophy> In what ways did the role of faith change with the birth of Protestantism?

Question:Hi krystina, Faith is a personal thing to each individual! It is a belief in something supernatural or natural, an institution to express belief in a Divine Power! The only thing that was lost when Protestantism came into being was dogma and doctrine! The dogma and doctrine changed! If the roman church had any Mystery School knowledge, this was also lost in the split! The Mystery School Myth continued in both aspects-Protestantism and Catholicism to this day!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi krystina, Faith is a personal thing to each individual! It is a belief in something supernatural or natural, an institution to express belief in a Divine Power! The only thing that was lost when Protestantism came into being was dogma and doctrine! The dogma and doctrine changed! If the roman church had any Mystery School knowledge, this was also lost in the split! The Mystery School Myth continued in both aspects-Protestantism and Catholicism to this day!

Faith became a personal thing.
The believer had to interperet for himself
rather than trusting to the authority of the