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Position:Home>Philosophy> Human Chimp Hybrid?

Question:If there was a true human-chimp hybrid, do you think it would end up in a zoo, circus, research lab, sanctuary....

OR do you think that since it would be half human, it would be entitled to things that humans are entitled to: school, doctor instead of vet, going shopping and to restaurants and someday joining the workforce (even if it would be a blue collar job)?

This question is regardless of IQ. Let's say for argument sake it had the intelligence of a mentally disabled/challenged person.

Would it wear a leash or shoes?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If there was a true human-chimp hybrid, do you think it would end up in a zoo, circus, research lab, sanctuary....

OR do you think that since it would be half human, it would be entitled to things that humans are entitled to: school, doctor instead of vet, going shopping and to restaurants and someday joining the workforce (even if it would be a blue collar job)?

This question is regardless of IQ. Let's say for argument sake it had the intelligence of a mentally disabled/challenged person.

Would it wear a leash or shoes?

I think it would be a bus driver in the army.

funny..i had a dream about that last night. it creeps me out that you asked that. in the dream he was guy who could talk to gorillas and humans,

It would probably NEED to be caged because adult chimps are unpredictable and extremely strong. I think an adult can be like 3 feet tall and they are stronger than how Chewbacca was portrayed in Star Wars- they don't rip arms out of sockets, a chimp could rip arms OFF of the body! No joke. And they are prone to violence if they feel threatened. So I think it would be a matter of public safety. Too bad, I like chimps.

NO CRAP ... several years ago a grad student (can't remember where) wanted to get pregnant invetro by a chimp. She planned on terminating the pregnancy, but her adviser talked her out of it. It was a viability study she wanted to do I believe.

I think in the next 100 years this will no longer be a philosophical question but one of ethics... some jackass will do it.

You would end up as in a research lab for sure. Maybe not for long if the media knows about you. Then there will be people out there would fight for what they think you rights should be. It would be a big public event. Not just in the USA, also in other countries . Allot of people would on a chance at you.

They would probably kill it...I was at Wal~mart the other day and we found a mouse running around...I was just gonna catch it and let it out...One of the ladies that worked there went and got a crowbar and killed it...I would think that a bunch of ladies would get together with some crowbars and kill that Chimp Hybrid also...It's sad really, but people fear what they don't understand.

He'll be out of the Oval Office in another 7 months or so. Why do people keep bringing this up?!?