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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is your interpretation of "Eternity" ???

Question:Everything has a beginning and an end, and so keeping that in mind it is hard for me to imagine that there is such a thing as eternity or forever or infinity. Even in numbers infinity is only a concept. I don't think it exists. You could say there are numbers that will go on forever, but really it is only going on for so long as you can count and then once you stop counting the number ends.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Everything has a beginning and an end, and so keeping that in mind it is hard for me to imagine that there is such a thing as eternity or forever or infinity. Even in numbers infinity is only a concept. I don't think it exists. You could say there are numbers that will go on forever, but really it is only going on for so long as you can count and then once you stop counting the number ends.

It is a place in your mind and your heart, that is for others, sometimes "unreachable" and only you, hold the key to unlock those two and let someone in. It is a place full of peace and serenity.

eternity often simply means existing for a limitless amount of time, many have used it to refer to a timeless existence altogether outside of time. There are a number of arguments for eternity, by which proponents of the concept, principally Aristotle, purported to prove that matter, motion, and time must have existed eternally.


When you reach there u shall surely meet me. So untill then chins up, walk straight, you are on planet earth, your count down begins now....... I love kidding.

I like what Eckhart Tolle has to say about it. It's not endless time, but timelessness. Time is an illusion.

I know now there is no way that any of us could understand it now being in our current form and cognitive limit until these pass away you will never understand.

Eternity is what you make of it. I believe in life after death but I also believe that we should make use of the life we are currently living as well. After all, according to my religion, its the only life we'll live.

Eternity is a measurement of time that stretches on limitlessly....or conversely it can also be interpreted as the lack of time or being outside of time and therefore not being affected by aging, decay, death or sickness.

Eternity can be felt when your sitting in class completely bored and waiting for the bell to ring, it can be felt when your depressed and your mind keeps running around and around the source of your depression till you feel like your going crazy. Eternity can be felt when you need the bathroom and someone else is already in there and you have to wait.

In each of these instances time seems to slow down considerably. There are also happier illustrations like waking refreshed in the morning and seeing the sunlight shine through your window and you feel a sense of comfort. Or walking outside being caressed by the wind or embraced by the cold. Or if you sit and meditate on scriptures or on problems and solutions or even very ordinary and mundane things. Time seems to slow down and you feel at peace.

To me moments like this give us all a glimpse into eternity. ^_^

If you want a dictionary definition though, go to and read someone else's interpretation of Eternity ^_^

means related to soul or sentiments to the god

a very long time ,, no really that was an answer a christian gave to the same Q , eternity is an infinate amount of time although time isnt quite the right word I suspect

edit: Oh jada without infinity nothing makes sense

I'm sorry but I haven't the imagination to picture that. An eternity has no end and I've lived my whole life knowing there is an end to everything. Trees, dogs, relationships, moms & dads, countries, wars, peace, and even an end to mountians like the Canadian Shield. They were once the mightiest mountains on earth. They are the oldest but time has worn even those mighty rocks to an end!
I haven't the imagination to hold the complete concept of eternity in my mind.
I have the knowledge that is possible for all of us human beings are eternals, by God's grace. But to imagine it ... I can't see a time with no end.

Think of a mountain one hundred times as large as everest made of sand. You must move this entire mountain to the opposite side of the earth one grain of sand at a time, and you must do it on foot! This would be the warm up to eternity!

Waiting for buses that do not come. Time with people who do all the talking. Slow computers. Jobs you do, but do not enjoy. The list is endless. Just like the meaning of the word itself.