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Position:Home>Philosophy> When will the world come to an end? i keep hearing it will be in the year 2012,

Question:It is not the first time someone said that "The world gonna end in _ _ _ _ year."
in around 900 - 1000 AD European literally believed the world gonna end, all people rushed to church's door praying god so that they will go to Heaven once the world end. It started the whole Dark Age and the crusade and all that. Nothing happen on 1000 AD. we lived on.
In 20th century the statement come up once again. another century has pass the world gonna end. economic slum, market went down, stocked crash, people abandon their home wandering the street. 2000 AD come nothing happen.
so let me get my crystal ball and look at 30th century, " THE WORLD GONNA END ON 3000" and u know the thrill.

however it, scientifically at one point or another the Sun will burn all of it's matter and explode that will be the end of Earth as we know it. But when it gonna come? who know, one thing for certain, it is not tomorrow nor 2012, not in my lifetime or your lifetime or even our grandchildren lifetime.
so stop worry and enjoy life as it is.

Beside if the world really gonna end tomorrow what can we do? run hide in a cave? fleet to the moon. There are really nothing we could do if it really gonna end. so chill , relax, and enjoy.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It is not the first time someone said that "The world gonna end in _ _ _ _ year."
in around 900 - 1000 AD European literally believed the world gonna end, all people rushed to church's door praying god so that they will go to Heaven once the world end. It started the whole Dark Age and the crusade and all that. Nothing happen on 1000 AD. we lived on.
In 20th century the statement come up once again. another century has pass the world gonna end. economic slum, market went down, stocked crash, people abandon their home wandering the street. 2000 AD come nothing happen.
so let me get my crystal ball and look at 30th century, " THE WORLD GONNA END ON 3000" and u know the thrill.

however it, scientifically at one point or another the Sun will burn all of it's matter and explode that will be the end of Earth as we know it. But when it gonna come? who know, one thing for certain, it is not tomorrow nor 2012, not in my lifetime or your lifetime or even our grandchildren lifetime.
so stop worry and enjoy life as it is.

Beside if the world really gonna end tomorrow what can we do? run hide in a cave? fleet to the moon. There are really nothing we could do if it really gonna end. so chill , relax, and enjoy.

no body really knows they just make guesses

I hope not!

Only God knows brother.

hopefully not.

Man that would suck

No, sir. 12/12/2012, or December 12nd of 2012, is the date end of the Mayan people's calander.

Many philosophers and scientists believe that this is NOT the end of the world, but suggests a significant change in the word, whether it is an adverse affect or not.


lol, no one knows.

And Sean K. , it's actually December 21, not 12

No, the mayan calendar finishes in that year but its just like any other calander after 31st of december it starts again 1st of january.

First I heard it was 1984 then 2000 then 2006 now 2012. Somebody make up our minds please.

God said no one will know

No, that’s the year that London hosts the Olympics. Although if you live in London in 2012 I imagine you’d probably feel like it was the end of the world, given the state of public transport.

Nobody knows

If by world (earth) will end when it is eaten up by the blue dwarf sun (Roughly in 3 billion years)

Well, I don't want to get all religious on you or anything, BUT if you look at the evidence there is a lot of revelation type events going on right now. Meteors striking the earth, horrible natural disasters, wars, and much more. There are also concentration camps and underground bases in the United States. Our government is definitely preparing for something big that is on the horizon already. International relations are setting the stage for an eruption of WW3. US has tense relations with Iran, Israel - Palestine, US - North Korea, China - Taiwan, Venezuela - Columbia, US - Iraq, China - Tibet, Russia - US. The stage is set and all players are getting ready now. It will take one wrong move to excite all the others into fighting each other all over again.

the world has been "coming to an end" ever since it began. the 2012 phenomenon is just that. a phenomenon.

Religions that tell you the world is coming to an end is trying to instill fear in people.

The world will not come to and end.

Maybe the Earth will, just as human lives and die, just like stars are born and dies.

Its part of the living cycle of life and death.

The world/cosmo always goes on.

I don't think you will live to see the Earth dies, but its truely better to make the days while you are alive as value creative as possible, for yourself and your surroundings.

The prediction that the world will end December 21, 2012, has to do with the Mayan Long Count calendar. The calendar is on an almost base-20 system, and the largest completion of this is called a "B'ak'tun" and is equivelent to roughly 395 solar years. December 21, 2012 is estimated to be the day that this calendar completes its 13th B'ak'tun. The apocalypse thing is semi-derived from Mayan mythology, that the world was created a number of times before man, and that each was destroyed after completing 13 B'ak'tuns. HOWEVER, the legend goes on to say that this was because those worlds were imperfect, and that the final attempt was successful, and because it was the correct version the gods finally placed man on it. The Mayans didn't believe in this doomsday, though. They planned celebrations in as distant years as the 25th century (our dating), and thus thought that their civilization would out-live the 13th B'ak'tun! It's all just paranoia.

That being said, you're ALL cordially invited to the 2012 LAST PARTY EVER! It will be a world-wide mega-bash. If this date is an excuse to end the world, then it's an even better excuse to hold the biggest party in the history of history itself, because parties are much more fun than doom and dismay, and if the world WILL end, then where would you rather be than the biggest and last jam that mankind ever throws! My contact info is available if anybody's on board! If I'm going to be evaporated, crushed, judged, or torn assunder, then I want to be out of my skull! Who's with me?

2012 is based on the ancient Mayan Calendar' system of sort ages. 2012 doesn't signify the end of the world, but merely the end of a stage

The only reason why this has any value is because the Mayans had a more accurate calendar in the year 500 than the Europeans by the time they traveled to America. And there is some suggestive evidence that might point to aliens teaching Mayans about space, sadly, all of the Mayan's understands of the universe didn't help them not get off killed by the Spanish

Using common sense will tell you that the odds of something actually happening on that day are very little. People who believe in the end of the world do so because they want to, not because it makes logical sense. As if the world ending would somehow give their lives meaning.

Nobody Knows...

Ever since the beginning of Christianity about 2,000 years ago, people have made many precise predictions of when the world would come to an end. None of them have come true. And it is extremely unlikely that the world will come to an end in 2012 either.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.