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Question:Is it wrong to only believe in the existence of God during big thunderstorms?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is it wrong to only believe in the existence of God during big thunderstorms?

No, that's when Zeus is mad.

Alot of people love God when times are going great, but as soon as things get a little rough they curse his name and wonder why a loving caring God would do this to them. Of course alot of people see miraculous things like lightning, and beautiful northern lights and wonder about God, look at what he made, isn't it beautiful. Then as the eye candy disappears so does the faith. I'm guilty of the same thing.

I suppose not. Plenty of xtians out there only believe around xmas & easter time. ;-)

Not that I would condone such a thing, an atheist, I recommend using your brain on all 365 days!

that is the kinda reasons for a god you have 2 believe in

no, there is no such thing as right and wrong, not even your perception of the two.

God has given you 100% freewill so you believe in him when ever it suits you, he doesn't mind.
He's way above being bothered about such trivial things as whether his creation believes in him.
It's only human who need to be believed or acknowledged.

It is illogical and irrational, I don't know about "wrong". Science has already explained why there are thunderstorms. Sorry Thor.

It is neither right nor wrong to believe in the existence of God. It is merely futile.

Religions started to be developed when we were in the hunting and gathering stage. People often had to confront natural disasters, such as volcanic eruptions, forest fires, and earthquakes (as a matter of fact, we still have to deal with them).

They were unable to control the physical forces that cause these disasters (and it must be emphasized that they are disasters only for us!), so it was comforting to them to feel that they could pray to keep themselves from being killed by them.

Religions became vicious when they started adding human sacrifice to praying because they thought that their gods would only give them what they wanted if they killed people.

It is only psychologically natural, of course, for us to start believing in God and praying during natural disasters. But doing so really will not determine whether we will live or die because of them.

If people die because of them, religious people will often say that it was because they were really bad people or had bad karma. If they survive, however, these same people will say that it was because God loved them and had future plans for them as they continued to live their lives.

Stories like these, unfortunately, are absolute nonsense. Whether we live or die in natural disasters is only a matter of good or bad luck.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

It depends what you mean by ‘wrong’.

In terms of scientific truth, it’s probably incorrect. In terms of human psychology, it’s perfectly natural.

No, it is not. If you believe in god at anytime then you believe in god. It is also possible to be undecided.

However, It is more likely that you do believe god exist, and that you only remember him when it matters most to you.