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Position:Home>Philosophy> In your world of objects chairs , pen, car cup etc. do you acknowledge their bei

Question:I acknowledge the existance of everything, everyone does, because you must acknowledge the existance of anything in order to actually see it, and realize it's there.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I acknowledge the existance of everything, everyone does, because you must acknowledge the existance of anything in order to actually see it, and realize it's there.

When using them, maybe some unconsciously but most we don't.

Consciousness is selective and perception is limited.

Should I feel bad about this? I don't get it...

I like all my things...but I don't love 'em....well...not all of them.
I do hug my motorcycle from time to time.

of course,
everything is alive so to speak,
everything is made of
electrons, neutrons and quarks......

one may lead a horse to water,
but a pencil must be lead,

see how it dances between my fingers?

it does whether you can see it or not......

:) motion, even in stillness (;

~~ Well, I purposely don't have a lot of things in my home because I do acknowledge their existence ,and they tend to distract me ,and I prefer having more space than stuff. But I collect cats,& have my favorites on my shelves throughout my home. Some of them remind me of the real cats I've known ,so I'll hold them from time to time and admire them. When I'm bored or feeling out of sorts ,sometimes I even talk to them. Not often though....I'm not cRaZy! ? ~~

Of course i do..i love my bed.. my chair my computer.. and i appreciate what i do have. BUt they arent the most important things i have.. those are just here for a convenience..

no, not really
i did when i read your question though.

Material items have no vital force - life/spirit, so it is merely the conscious meaning of value attached to that object. Other than that it is lifeless.

When you've lived with out you do see the needed use with in the scope of todays society .

Since I'm basically a designer, I'm always looking at
everything to see if I could have made it better, so yes,
I notice almost everything around me. I just heard Isaac
Mizrahi say, "Basically, I can't stand anything I haven't
designed or made myself"...he was talking about taking
everything with him on a plane; food, pillows, sleep comforts,
blankets...and also sending his luggage ahead with home
decor to rearrange his hotel suite. I appreciate good
design, whether it's a thumbtack or a skyscraper.

Everything is alive (animism). But some things are more lively than others. The paneling in my room doesn't have much life left in it, but the water in my tap does. My athame has a life of its own, as does my poetry.
The kinds of objects you mention I don't give any personality to. They are conveniences, or tools. But when we built our house, it had plenty of personality.

oh yes...i have to ...they are help live a comfortable life

Well I think we all do that from time to time. The relevance of the issue is `How do we acknowledge their being. Normally it will be an emotional connection such as when I stub my foot or toes on my mother-in-laws metal chair which sticks out beyond its circumference. Clearly in those cases it is a negative response. It would be ok if I responded positively but anyone can see that this would be impossible given the circumstance. When it is a plant or animal that I am dealing with there is a better chance that I can observe both positive or negative attractions. The butterfly or bird than I am grateful for seeing comes closer and sticks around for a while and so do the ants that I have a negative response to. That`s easy enough to understand. It`s all part of the workings of the Law of Attraction.

I don't exactly see what you are getting at, Rita. But yes, the first thing I seek in the mornings is my 'toothbrush'. If it is moved from its usual place I become distraught. I have to have that one, nothing else. Everyone else respect our relationship too. Then there's my comb, my towel & such other personal things important and exclusive to me that they are identified with me.

Are you trying to gauge the attachment (moh) factor we have for the inanimate beings? That's interesting!!!

Yes! They are part and parcel.

Sometimes, depends on how I would use it!